Thursday, May 15, 2014

I care!

I love all the lists of rules to live by, rules for good mental health, rules for better physical health....yadda yadda yadda.  They generally all include some form of exercise and good eating habits. Most say it's never too late to start to live healthier.  I say it's never to late to shut your trap and mind your own business.... Saying it doesn't mean I do it!!!  These 12 steps to self care are doable.  I'm not one for taking steps (especially if there's an elevator) but I'm actually already on board for many of these.

1-    I'm generally physically unable to do it anyway!
2 -   NEVER had a problem with this one!!!!
3 -   I do like to please people but not because I have to.. because I like to!
4 -   Mine are generally pretty good! I can spot an idiot as soon as they open their mouth
5 -   A little self-deprecating humor never hurt anybody
6 -   Dreaming is a must
7 -   Got it
8 -   You bet
9 -   I feed myself regularly, bathe often, do the things that make me happy and surround myself with smart, funny people!
10 - The weather and the stock market ... "Let it go!!!" Damn song!
11 -  Drama drives me insane...short trip....Negativity can be turned around but I'm not sure I have the patience or desire to deal with those folks.....(unfriend)
12 -  Got it, Need it, Give it, Enjoy it!!! ♥♥

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