Wednesday, May 21, 2014

New Kids on the Block

EIEIO has welcomed three new 'toddlers" to the Funny Farm.  They arrived last night and appear to be settling in pretty well.  Louise (blackish head) is a pretty feisty little gal and Maude is pretty complacent. Number 3 has yet to be named....that will be up to Bailee.  They are only 8 weeks old and not ready to mingle with the old gals and especially Steve Harvey.  Steve has trouble playing well with others and he's a bit of a pedophile so we're keeping them apart for awhile. They're residing in the smoke house for now and hopefully not sharing it with Rocky (our resident flying squirrel)  All three new girls are Easter Eggers.  Hopefully by August, they will be laying beautiful green/blue (some of us say they're blue, others say green) eggs for us.  We miss having that daily blue egg:-(  Brownie, our only adult Easter

Egger appears to be going through Henopause and hasn't laid an egg in almost 3 weeks.  She keeps sticking her head out of the fence and flaps her wings a flashes I presume!  We had anticipated having some ducks this spring but our timing was off and all the stores had their ducks (sold) out!  Next year for sure as duck eggs are Deeeeeeelicious!

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