Monday, April 7, 2014

The Arts

Who doesn't love the Arts... Music, Theater, Paintings, Museums.......and Martial?  Yep, my little lovely loves to kick, punch and yell (shocker.) On our way to visit Great Grandma, we pass by a Martial Arts studio..Kung Fu to be exact.  "That would be awesome if I could do that!" OK, we now have a little King Fuer??  She loved it from the minute she began and seemed a bit of a natural... What 7 year old doesn't love to be in bare feet and kick?  Last week she tested for the first time and received her yellow stripe.  Each student begins with the basic white and adds color.. Hey, that's just like decorating..I get this!!! You then are tested on your newly acquired skills and add the colors until you've earned your next color belt and then begin again with the stripes..  There's even a "Grandpa" there... that's impressive as I need a chair to prop my leg on when when I wash my feet! He kicks and punches and "he ahs" with the best of them!
I have always tried to be supportive of my kids and Bailee with their choices in extra curriculars.  Jeff chose motorcycles and emergency rooms, Jess chose pigeon nurturing and cooking and Bailee has now opted for karate' chops and self defense.  What ever happened to baseball, football and favorite sports.  Ahhh, I get it. It's not all about my choices!  Oh well, I always wanted youngin's who could think out of the box...I just didn't realize it would be a "boxing ring (of sorts)!  Whatever makes them happy I guess. I saw a saying the other day.... "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger..unless it's a bear...a bear will kill you!"

SiFu Kevin

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