Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Fool

What a wonderful day!  I awoke weighing 120#'s, my hair is soft and flowing, my skin is smooth and supple and every bone and muscle in my body says "Rise and Shine!"   APRIL FOOL............ nonetheless, I was able to rise and the sun is shining so all in all, making it to 62 is an accomplishment. Who the hell ever thought they'd be 62 and at the threshold of retirement?. Oh shit, I guess you're supposed to work in order to reap the rewards of retirement.  Well contrary to popular belief , I worked... I may not have left the confines of my home but I worked. (I keep telling myself that) The Social Security office loves people like me.  "I'm sorry Mrs, Hatfield, you actually have to have worked and contributed to the account that will fund you at age 62 or older!"  Damn, I knew there would be repercussions!  But, I don't regret one second of the time that I was home to fix the kid's breakfast, put them on the bus, make their lunches, go their Mother's day parties, Halloween parades and Christmas concerts and be there to help with their homework..... (back when Math had one answer and Mesopotamia was something the dog did on the carpet.)  The mere pittance I will receive should be enough to pay for my Depends, Polygrip and Preparation H (which actually stands for Hatfield.)
On the other hand, I have some amazing friends and family.  I have already received over 160 Facebook birthday messages and dozens of texts.  I am humbled! My gifts for this year are continuing to live in my wonderful home on this wonderful land, having my family all together soon, and the ability to still communicate what I see, what I feel and what I think....Never, ever take that for granted!!!! Happy Birthday to me!

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