Tuesday, April 22, 2014


A deep cleansing breath...All's well!!  It was a great week-end.  We celebrated Mom's 92nd birthday (a day early), we enjoyed a wonderful Easter dinner, as always, at Kim's and Lee and Jeff arrived home from Charlotte!  One couldn't ask for more than that. 

After a 15 year absence, Jeff has moved back to snow country.  It was a huge decision but one he didn't make lightly or hastily.  There comes a time in most of our lives when we take a look at where we've been, where we are and where we're going.  I think some who move away do so for economic reasons, some for a chance to spread their wings and others to get away from a stalled lifestyle.  At 20 something, living in a small town seems like living in limbo.  It's what you've always done, it's where you've only lived and you're on a treadmill that is taking you absolutely nowhere!  Fast forward 15 years...You've (hypothetically, of course) now lived in a major city, stayed the course in a steady job, married, built a house, divorced, sold a house and found yourself back on that treadmill....just in a different location.  It's been harder and harder to return to the city after a trip back home and thoughts begin to filter into your, now 35 year old brain......and heart that maybe home is a very good place and where you'd like to be.  After all, your parents have lived there their entire lives  and they're pretty content.  OK, your heart's on board now you just need to find gainful employment in a state that is all about jobs.....said nobody ever!!!!  Several months go by and there's a glimmer of hope that you might find a job in your (air) field.  Things slowly begin to fall into place and your experience along with your award winning personality and handsome face land you a job...(OK maybe the handsome face wasn't a factor but his mother's writing this blog and she can type whatever floats her boat!!!).
Fast forward to Easter Sunday 2014 and the lawn is filled with balloons, a banner stretches across the front yard and the U Haul pulls in the driveway.  Cheering, crying, laughing and a huge sense of "All is right with the world...at least our world.
Home Sweet Home.... They sing "Nothing's finer than to be in Carolina"  They couldn't be more wrong!

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