Monday, April 14, 2014


I've (we've) been spoiled. Several perfect days in a row and doom and gloom predicted for the next two!!  I fell asleep in my chair somewhere around 9:15 last night awakening at 11:15 to near 70 degree temperatures and the windows still open.  I was certain I was dreaming!  Give me 70 degrees from now until November and I will be perfectly content.  As my siblings, my husband and my children will profess, I have been marginally spoiled for well, the past 62 years.  Spoiled is actually just a matter of perception.  I never really saw it myself;-)  Hey, I was the last child (having finally reached perfection as the saying goes) and that was just a moniker that came with the territory.  I was then, more lucky than spoiled, when my husband and I decided it would be more beneficial to stay home with the kids we "worked" so hard for than to work outside the home.  Believe me, contrary to popular belief, a stay at home Mom is a bit of a misnomer.  We really are on the road more than at home.  Regardless, I was fortunate... to say the very least.  Now, as I'm hitting the Senior Citizen stage of my life, I continue to be spoiled.  I have a beautiful home, 2 pretty amazing kids, one "out of the box, better than chocolate" granddaughter, awesome surroundings, fantastic friends and ................cable!  What more could one aging gal ask for? I do actually smell a little spoiled but that's a story for another day.  Right now, my pool boy (man) is here...............told ya!

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