Monday, April 28, 2014

No More Empty Nests

Needless to say, this past week was a busy one.  Having Jeff home has been amazing.. Everybody's step is a little lighter and everyone's smiles are a little wider.  Having the nest full again is awesome........and speaking of nests..

We have babies.  Little tiny, fuzzy, ugly, eagle babies.  Last week was bit rainy and cold after Monday and I had not been to "Eagle Point" in 4 days.  As I had intimated last week, I was pretty sure there were eggs in the nest as either Millard or Abigail has been on it 24/7.  When I arrived on Friday, two little heads popped up right on cue and were ready for the that crazy lady across the inlet to snap their pictures. I was so excited I was shaking.  Last year we started with two and one "disappeared."  Hopefully, both will flourish this year.  They gain about a pound a week (I think I'm repeating myself...sorry) and will grow quickly.  I need to take as many pictures as I can before the leaves arrive and their feathers provide enough lift and strength to fly the coop.  Last night I arrived in time to see the whole family and some feeding time!  I'm not quite sure what was being torn off for a supper offering but it was pretty cool to watch.  Here are some of the latest photos from the family album:

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