Thursday, January 30, 2014

Twos are wild!

Enjoyed two hours of masterful acting with two good friends yesterday.  Two thumbs up and two Percocets down!  The thumbs were mine, the percocets weren't! Totally enjoyed the latest onscreen masterpiece of Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts, August: Osage County!  Streep's performance was Oscar worthy.  The entire cast assumed their roles effortlessly. Each outdoing the other in every scene making the entire movie... eerily believable.  If there wasn't something that you could associate to your family, you're lying.
Pretty much the entire movie was set in a dreary and hot three-story family home in Oklahoma. Not only was the dwelling dark but the plot as well.  Dark comedy at its finest.

I cried, I laughed and I snorted! To paraphrase Jerry Maguire, "You had me at snort!" If I were to choose a favorite character, Violet's (Streep) my pick.  She's sharp tongued and shrewd...two adjectives I might use to describe myself.  Others might choose loud mouthed and bitchy. She knows the family's secrets and divulges them when the time fits her liking....or when the narcotics and depressants cross paths.  The women are definitely the strongest players although the males allow their counterparts to define their strengths....or lack thereof.  Each would not be who they were without the other....pretty much the way life really is.
At the end of the story you will walk away perplexed but with the strongest of beliefs that your family is entirely NOT as dysfunctional as you might have thought.  If you keep a journal of your deep and darkest thoughts on life and family, you may want to rethink just where you keep it.  After all, it's August in your county every year too!

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