Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Mixed emotions

Yesterday was nostalgic.  As I drove by Hewitt Brothers, I noticed that one of the buildings was being dismantled by the local Amish.  I drove around and snapped a couple of pictures through the blurry lens..................mine, not the camera:-(  I've touched on it before but it was just another simpatico feeling (with Dad) that I sadly continue to understand more and more often.  I came home and posted the pictures on Face Book. The response was heartwarming and memory intensive.  I loved hearing from old friends and family (and I do mean old..myself included) about their memories of Hewitt Brothers.  Many of the comments were from folks who had worked there or had family that did.  Some had memories just from shopping there. One memory came from one of my first prom dates who used to work in the mill as a young man.  He was reminiscing about the beauty and surface of the old mill floors.  I could almost smell the grain.  I've shared some of my stories in previous blogs but today I'll share a few photos I posted yesterday

coming down
LOVE this photo in the Mill ♥

Ours now!

                                            C.J., O.D., Leroy, Bill O'Connell, Jeff and Buzz

                                                      My men of feed, fertilizer and fuel

Thank heaven for cameras!

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