Monday, January 6, 2014

Blue Monday

I just heard on the radio that today is known as Blue Monday. Personally, as you know, I love Mondays.  They said that today is the day when many have to return to work, their regular, daily routine and be back on a schedule...exactly....that's why I love Mondays.  They say that today is the day that people may be beginning to question the intelligence of spending all that money over the holidays, eating all that luscious food or just plain over indulging.  Well, I for one, didn't charge anything, never over imbibed and didn't eat a morsel more than normal....pathetic but true?  I will never begrudge Christmas!

Today is also the day my BFF (breakfast friend forever) turns 62, ( He will be older than I am for nearly 3 months...I love those 3 months:) the age of our first option to collect Social Security.  That question has been a topic of conversation for many months....since Lee turned 62 to be exact.  Early retirement is 62 with a smaller draw if you choose to take it.  Sixty six (which used to be 65) is the normal age of retirement and you may also opt to take 70 which enhances your check.  I believe they strongly hope you have lost your memory by then and forget to apply entirely.  So, what it comes right down to is a little bit of basic math.  If you wait till 66 or 70, you'll ENVER recoup what you could have had for those 4 or 8 extra years.  Yes, your monthly stipend will grow the longer you wait but what if you never get to BE 66 or 70??  I know that's harsh but hey, you never know!  The other monkey wrench (and you know wherever the government is involved, there are monkeys) is that before the golden 66 mark if you choose to draw, you can only earn a little less than $15,000 a year.  Well thanks government for make netting that much a chore.  Being a bird in the hand kinda gal, I think I'm opting for now.... Lee is a bit of a male Goldilocks (without the locks) and right in the middle of too early and just right.  But once again, if you never make just right, it's a moot point!
So, we did it!  I've pretty much decided that social security is just exactly what it says it is.... SOCIAL security.  This will secure our ability to go out to dinner, have a cocktail or two and be social........and that's about it but we've earned it.................well Lee has!

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