Thursday, January 9, 2014

Time for a HOT shower

I was listening to John Tesh on the radio last night and he always has some interesting tidbits of advice.  One of his health tips was a list of the benefits of showers.

  1. Cleaner pores and skin:  Duh, that's pretty much a no-brainer.  It's why you take a shower..or is it?
  2. A more resilient body: Heat stress proteins (HSP) act as protectors of our cells against all STRESS! HSP's come out in big numbers after we've experienced a stressful situation that hasn't killed them off....(the HSP's not the cells.) These proteins better prepare you for the same stressful event the next time.  Hot showers will help prevent stress...True Story!
  3. It relaxes you: Yes, yes it does.
  4. Relieves muscular aches and pains: The heat is necessary for all metabolic reactions ie: healing! (yay)
  5. It builds a better body:  The heat releases those HSP's which increase metabolic rates and hence create muscle mass.  (I'm not entirely sure it's muscle mass I was looking to create;-( When this was tested on mice. (sorry mice) they developed 20% more muscle mass.  (Must be how Mighty Mouse was discovered)
Tesh went on to explain that showers are also used by writers to alleviate writer's block.  Authors have heralded the uncanny affects that multiple showers throughout the day have had on their flow of ideas and words.  This brings me to my beautiful, talented author, cousin, M.J. Fields.  In her case, I'm pretty sure she needs and enjoys showers too.....cold ones!!!

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