Monday, November 25, 2013


During the month of November, a lot of us on Face Book share things we're thankful for each day...TIATF (Today I am Thankful for....).  This morning Jess and I visited Grandma at the "Nursing Home!"  I always chuckled at the bumper sticker that said, Be nice to your kids, they choose your nursing home! Well here's some really good advice.... Be nice to your kids, they choose your nursing home!!!!  Thankfully, I was able to find two wonderful places for Mom to call home after leaving hers.  Walden Place was her first stop for a couple of years and now The Groton Nursing Facility*.  No place is perfect and no place is home as she knew it....One of the only perks ( and I use the term loosely) of Alzheimer's is she no longer remembers home...or at least we don't think so. If she remembers at all, it might be her childhood home in Auburn and we all move on from there. She is happy, content, physically healthy and well cared for.  Elder care takes a certain kind of person...a very special kind of person.  GNF* has many.  One day I stayed in the hallway to watch the interaction of some staff with the residents and with Mom.  One gal stopped, put her arms around her and kissed her cheek...not for show, not for me, just for Mom..  That's just what I wanted to see and just what I'm thankful for today ♥

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