Thursday, November 21, 2013

"Gotcha Day"

It's National Adoption Day and families around the U.S. are celebrating.  I know just how they feel...been there, done that!  Nothing quite compares to this day.....even the day we brought them home is not the same as "Gotcha day!"  Today, you'll always be ours... nobody can change their mind, no court can throw a monkey wrench in the works....You belong to us...forever!  It was my birthday for Jeffrey and as we left the courthouse, our lawyer handed me a note (shocker) that read "Lawyer fees are paid..Happy Birthday, Love Dad ♥"  Doesn't get much better than that.  August was just as rewarding and our family was set.. Boy, girl, Mom, was a long process minus the stretch marks:-)

Today, a very dear friend is heading to court to finalize the adoption of her beautiful baby girl.  This has been a journey for them in many ways but I believe this little girl will be a lifesaver....literally!  The process is long..way more than 9 months but the reward is eternal...It's more than just saving a child. It's that child saving you!  A little dramatic unless you traveled the road but a true, true story.

I have many friends and family that have taken this journey.  I'm sure at some time we've all been asked about the love.  It's instantly there... I'm not sure how but it's there...just as strong, just as natural, just as genuine.....maybe even more.

So to all of those who became a part of us on Gotcha Day, we love you with all our heart(s)
and thank you for making our lives complete from that day forward. For Jeff, Jess, Shannon, Joey, Ross, Cody, Kyle, Adelaide and Isabella..and all those before and after...thanks for choosing "us"!♥♥♥

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