Friday, November 1, 2013

No Strings Attached.....or are there?

Another great night for trick or treating. Geppetto (Papa) and Pinocchio Bailee) had a great time "tripping" the light fantastic....and there definitely was some tripping :-)  We bypassed the Moravia festivities and headed to good ole Locke.  They still have a nice little gathering, some fun games and a costume contest.  This year, we were once again the recipient of an award....Best costume overall for all ages! Bailee was thrilled.... She did question after we left whether that meant she had the best overalls...........or was she the best costume over all the others.... Life is so literal when you're 6+.

Before I share a few of the photos Mrs. Geppetto took, here's a relevant cartoon for the holiday and the sad state of national affairs..

Now here are a few of the 2013 Contest winners:

On to Birthdays, Hunting and Thanksgiving....Gotta love November!

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