Monday, November 11, 2013


Today I have been perusing the posts of Face Book and admiring all the good looking veterans and enjoying all the tributes.  Most everyone is thanking the veterans for their service, for making our country free and keeping it that way.  I can't stop asking myself how free freedom really is.  I understand we are mostly free to believe in who and what we choose (unless we pray in school or begin a meeting with prayer). We are able to walk openly down our streets without the fear of bombs or weapons.  We are free to eat and drink what and where we choose and free enough to wear what we like , drive what we enjoy and love who we choose to love.....(oh wait a minute, we can love them but we can't marry them!)

But....................maybe it's time we ALL decided to remind our government that we are, indeed FREE.  Free to make our life partner choices, free to choose our own form of health care (or not), free to carry guns and protect ourselves and our loved ones, free to allow our teachers to teach and free to believe in anything we choose......even if it's not what others believe in. Freedom is so much more than just lip service and we know that politicians love lip service (Sorry Bill!)  Hopefully when 2016 rolls around, we will all remember that we need to protect what these brave men and women are still fighting for and bring the government back to We, the People!

Here is a photo of my Grandpa Tice.  He fought for my freedom and he loved his country. His hard fought battles and his strength and courage in WWI  gave him the freedom to come to Moravia and open the first liquor store.. Hey, that's something worth fighting for :-)

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