Friday, November 15, 2013


A little fun on face Book throughout the month of November.  TIATF= Today I Am Thankful For:

My list today is this:

who's that right behind her?

  1. All my family together
  2. 2 November birthday dinners (and they both want the same thing)
  3. Bailee's wonderful first 2nd grade report card ♥
  4. Bailee's 2nd grade photo
  5. Hunting Season....kind of.....the +s...... it brings my family home and together, the men all sport beards which I love, the excitement when a big one is "bagged!"  -s....running deer everywhere (fields, roads and yards), killing such beautiful animals that we marvel in watching the other 11 months of the year, quietly holding my breath until all are accounted for at sundown....hunters not deer:-(
  6. Snacks.... with a houseful, it's also best to have plenty of munchies available (especially when I'm here all by myself most of the day;-)
  7. Holiday Anticipation
  8. Hot Tub in the snow
  9. Kids who love to cook
  10. Wet towels, Dishes in the sink and "I'm Starved!"

    the last 6 year old picture...

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