Thursday, November 14, 2013

Deja Vu

Have you ever had a moment of Deja Vu?  It's a bit creepy and a bit consoling all at the same time.  It occurs more now that I'm older. Maybe it's just a case of forgetting my age and thinking about the past.  I often wave to people...........dead people.  Well it's really not them I'm waving to but their vehicle.  If I meet a Cadillac that's white with a blue vinyl roof, I wave to dad.  If I meet a red/white jeep, I wave to Uncle Barney.  I've done each several times.  This morning I was driving out of Moravia and I slowed down for the railroad tracks by the milk plant. ...True Story.  Mentally I think I'm still good...but my opinions have often been wrong. I do have a head cold which may be affecting my thought process but I remembered where I lived and made it home safely.

Certain smells, songs and even spoken words put me in a certain time and remembering a certain event or person that mirrors that exact moment.  I guess that's exactly what deja vu means....the experience of thinking that a new situation had occurred before.  Now, I'm hoping that Bailee and my kids will experience it in the future and think of moaning while I eat...........if it's that good and I love eating it, why shouldn't I moan a little?  Like the smell of bacon filtering through the must be Christmas as I only cook breakfast once a year and they should think of me.  They should have moments of deja vu when they hear the Beach Boys and drive by the broccoli tree, when they see someone chewing their tongue or wearing plaid on Christmas, when they go to leave the house and remember they haven't made their bed and even when they see thank you notes in a store and say, "Oh shit!!"  Those are the kinds of deja vu moments I hope my kids will have....and if they wave to some gray haired woman in an expedition, I hope she waves back!

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