Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Oh what (have I done) fun!

It's almost time to put away the turkeys, the fall leaves and the pumpkins and bring out the Santas, the trees and the tinsel.....Naa scrap the tinsel, I don't like it!  I was having a discussion (one of many we have) with Bailee about Christmas when I was a kid and some of the special things we would do to celebrate and decorate.  It brought to mind  a couple of things that always found their way to an end table or a shelf.  The little caroling boys and the Santa and reindeer candle were pretty much the ugliest of decorations.  They originated in the 50's and you never...ever.....burned them.  When I was cleaning out Mom's dining room buffet, there they were.....along with the tiny candle powered carousel.  I was inundated with stuff and made the knee jerk decision to let them go.  Stupid, stupid Sandy.  I would love to have the ugly little wax traditions to share with Bailee :-( Oh, what have I done!

I continued with my stories of Glass Wax and stencils,  singing O Holy Night around the little Organaire , bubble lights on the tree, waiting at the train station with "Brownie" for that one special gift to arrive by train, spaghetti for Christmas dinner, coming down the stairs in a blinding glare of flood lights being held by Dad (in his plaid pants) while Mom ran the movie camera and the nearly unbearable anticipation of stockings, breakfast, opening packages one at a time and phone calls to relatives......in that particular order.......always!

I believe old holiday traditions are absolutely imperative.....pictures are a no-brainer and that new traditions are exciting.  This will be Bailee's 8th Christmas and she already looks for special ornaments, loves to tell stories of our Christmases past, anticipates her clever Grandma once again capturing Santa's stop at EIEIO and has acquired an abundance of patience as we open our gifts one at a time.

It is indeed the most wonderful time of the year even if the logistics make me crazier every year!

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