Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Happy Birthday to Leroy!!  He's finally reached the age of maturity.....oh wait......that's security...social security.  The sad part is after working his entire life....he wouldn't even collect enough (of his own money) to pay his health insurance.  Oh that's right. I forgot. Barack Obama is planning to take care of him......or as Bailee naively calls him, Black Obama ( I love that girl).  We'll believe that when we see it.
Today was a big day for birthdays in our crew.  My Dad would have turned 92 today and my uncle celebrated today as well. Even my brother-in-law's dad had his birthday today.  
Lee's had many "happys" on FaceBook this morning and texts and calls have been rolling in.  Bailee had made him a card before she was off to the Sperm Bank for the week.....and we'll celebrate at supper tonight. Birthdays are pretty special around here although since reaching the 60's, we usually celebrate if we just wake up!!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Busy hands

Week number one of Bailee at her Dad's!  We usually whine about the 2 days week-ends away so the 7 day stints give us pause......and 5.5 year old yearnings!  We've found the best medicine for withdrawals is busy hands.  We had already planned to perform an extreme bedroom makeover during Miss B's absence.  We had made the choices and all our accessories had been delivered.  We hit Lowe's for paint on Friday night and Jess went to work.  What would have been a sheer fiasco for me occurred overnight for Jess.  She painted, removed wallpaper border, repaired the TV stand/bookcase, painted the dresser and washed bedding...Personally, I'd have strung it out throughout the entire week... After all, we have 7 days to fill with busy work and mind clutter.  Jess did this project in 36 hours.  Now what the hell will I do with her for the next 5 days? We did get paint for her bedroom too so maybe she'll delve into extreme bedroom makeover II. 
I have her signed up for a complete expedition detailing this week and maybe a movie.  We can only watch a tidbit of the Olympics and our evenings are way too barren.  We'll see if Magic Mike can take our minds off Boisterous Bailee... at least for a couple of hours.

Friday, July 27, 2012


Huh?  Vernacular is the term used for an old word with a new meaning... Today my word..or words are "Bath Salts!" 
Then:  For years, I was not a shower taker....not that I didn't use water to cleanse myself, I just used to like to take baths.  They were relaxing and beneficial not only to my pores but to my sanity.  I didn't really need bubbles just the semi-oily feeling of sliding into the bath where I could relax and enjoy a few moments of peace and quiet.  Just standing in the shower never gave me the same results... (no wonder kids don't enjoy standing in the corner..same thing...kind of.. minus the water.)  I would lock the door, slither in, close my eyes and enjoy the aroma therapy in solitude...until the water cooled.  Then I might just add more hot H2O or decide my time was up and rinse off and wash my hair under the shower.  Bath salts were never too conducive to washing the tresses.
Now:  The headline in yesterday's newspaper was Be Very Afraid of Bath Salts!   (There goes my aroma-therapy) Bath salts (drugs) are now even prevalent in our area.  Just recently, a man totally nude, ran into a home in Genoa screaming that someone was trying to kill him. He ran into the homeowner's shower. Another woman, naked, tried to kill her toddler and her dog. Another still, held a knife to a toddler's neck. And we thought marijuana was bad!  These drugs are so dangerous that it's too risky for even sensitive K-9 noses to be trained to sniff them out. Law enforcement says the affects of bath salts on individuals is so tenuous that the rule is to attempt to safely subdue them and forget trying to treat them.  Even emergency medical personnel have no way of knowing what drug compound the offender has taken or how....they can be sniffed, injected or swallowed.  Law enforcement, medical facilities and the education system are now concerned that "the bath salts drug epidemic will be rolling into schools this fall!" There have been head shops raids and newly adopted laws attempting to squelch the prevalence of this new, homicidal fad. Overseas markets are now renaming these designer drugs are "fish food." "plant food," and "glass cleaner!"  At a recent drug forum in Onondaga County, a state trooper informed the audience of a website that might enlighten his audience to recognizing a bath salts user. www.erowid.org. Sadly, "It's a drug site for drug users, by drug users!"

As I type, I yearn for the days when I would say, "Calgon, take me away!" and I wouldn't end up in stripes:-(

Thursday, July 26, 2012

All better

Ok, I'm all better now...My  whinging (as they call whining in the land of the Olympics) is over for now. Yesterday, Jess and I had a day of retail therapy at the Outlet mall ( and no Casey, I didn't buy any outlets) and the girls are now all set for their sailing adventure.  I even managed to purchase 3 items for me and walk reluctantly right past the chocolate store.  Bailee was at Rec so it was just a mother and daughter excursion.  Jess even admitted she actually "enjoyed spending the day with me!"  Well of course she did!  We have school clothes, cruise attire and shoes in the bag..literally!  We may have to stop feeding Bailee so these new duds will still fit when next spring rolls around... I enjoyed my time at a "31" party last night and ordered a few things that cruisers can't travel without... I was surprised there were a few things left that I didn't already have and, with Christmas being only 5 short months away, a little holiday shopping was in order.  I don't want to hear it! I like Christmas and I shop early so I can enjoy the festivities.... To piggy back Tuesday's blog, I have yet to decide about Christmas cards. I thoroughly enjoy creating them and I love receiving them so I will probably selfishly continue on with that tradition! I always keep the photo cards and Christmas letters we receive.  Often holiday letters are described as boring and the butt of many jokes but I love hearing how friends and family are doing and the fun things they've done throughout the year.
Our predicted nasty weather for today appears to have shifted to the south so it looks like laundry, bookwork and dressing room cleaning are on the menu.  Speaking of menus, maybe some lobster for supper tonight...Bailee's off to her Dad's for a week tomorrow and we will all be lost without her:-( so we'll splurge for supper!!!  I'll try not to whinge too much about her being away:-(

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Days of Whine and roses!!

Today I whine! If you don't want to hear it, click the big X in the corner!  For those of you curious folks that are still here, I'm calling a moratorium on greeting cards and the trimmings!  I try very hard NOT to forget birthdays and anniversaries.  Not because I want a pat on the back but there are things that should be celebrated. Usually I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.  I had a relative who once told me the only reason I remembered everyone's everything, was because I didn't work and didn't have anything else to do... Well, that'll get you a card for sure!  For one thing I keep a calendar and special occasions are noted.  The beginning of each month, I make my trek to Kinney's to boost my stock in Hallmark.  I don't grab the first card I see.  I usually read several before choosing one that connects me to the person or occasion in some silly or sentimental way.  I'm the one you hear laughing in the card aisle or dabbing my eyes with a tissue.  So shoot me! I like cards and I like to remember my friends and family... well most of my family..some I've already forgotten! When somebody gets a card from me (us)..OK me....they know for at least a few minutes I was thinking about them... when I bought the card, when I signed it and when I mailed it!  Where is all this ranting coming from you ask?..............or maybe you didn't............. Last Thursday Lee and I have been legally betrothed for 37 consecutive years (connected for 45 intermittently).  That's a record for the Wendell Hatfield clan and we hold it proudly!  We received exactly, now let me count for a second...time's up...0 cards from family.  I didn't expect any from the Hewitt branch as they sit pretty high up (as one friend termed it recently) and it's hard to get to the post office but I thought our longevity might be remembered by some. We received 2 beautiful cards from our dear friends the Don Nyes and the Ray Dyers... they never forget♥ 
Now while I'm on my high horse....thank you notes... I know it may be a forgotten tradition but if you can't spare to thank me, I can no longer spare to gift you!  I don't always expect a written note although it wouldn't hurt anyone to practice their penman(woman)ship, learn how to spell and put grammar to good use!  You don't even have to mail it... I'll accept texts and emails just don't expect me to keep giving without them!
I know, I'm getting old and sore bones, wrinkling skin, a weak bladder and poor eyesight don't usually help put a smile on my face or a twinkle in my eye.  What they do do is make all sorts of things come out of my mouth...(other than drool) when I would have normally kept it shut.
I just happened to peruse the Hallmark website this morning and I'm just following their advice.
I feel better already!

Friday, July 20, 2012

All's well

My chicks are close to the nest and all's well.  Not the feathered ones mind you, but the human adult ones and the mini chick).  We had a fun, anniversary dinner at Outback last night and this morning, we  (well those very same human adult ones) readied the pontoon boat for Sunday's Poker Run on the lake. A little bonding for Jeff and Lee in the shooting and golfing department today and tomorrow and  maybe a bonfire one of these nights.  I'm sure a chuck roast, mashed potato, sweet corn feast will be a menu request one night as well... (Bailee and Uncle Jeff's favorite..... although anything he does, says or eats is her favorite).. So far we won't let her chew tobacco or imbibe in a little 3 Olives cherry vodka!
We only get these "whole family" mini reunions a few times a year so we're soaking it all in and smiling a lot!  Jeff's loving the 30 degree drop in temperatures and we're loving having him home.
Hoping everyone enjoys their week-end too!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


What a difference 37 years makes...  Long hair, strange attire, semi smile... and that's just ME. I remember the day well.  We'd have remembered it even better if Lee had had his way... He wanted to get married on his birthday (so he'd remember) but we just didn't think a wedding on a Thursday would work!!!  We had the simple ceremony on the point at Overbrook. Our attendants were Lee's brother Jon, his cousin Don, Don's wife Dawn and my sister (hey, we all make poor choices) and our two adorable flower girls, Jill and Mary Beth! The weather turned to a perfect 75 degrees with a slight breeze... That was a very good thing because rehearsal was never rehearsed inside!!  Dad had nearly run the well dry watering for a green lawn and we were going to be outside come hell or high Owasco!! Everyone enjoyed the shortness of our vows...especially the pontoon boat that had come in closely to spy and had lost power and drifted to shore. Hey, the more the merrier!! It was the very first marriage performed by newly ordained Reverend David Borthwick.  He had written a marriage ceremony for his thesis ( if that's what they write in minister school) and graciously allowed us to use it.  Other than "I will" (versus "I do"), that's all I remember. I'm sure there was something in there about rich and poor, long hair and short but I can't remember for sure and David can't put his hands on the paper.  No worries... we still vow to each other daily...."I promise if you fart once more, I'm moving you to another room" and "can you really find anything else to bitch about?"  Someone asked me this morning how many years?  I quickly replied, "21 wonderfully happy years...... the other 16..not so much). fortunately neither time frame was consecutive♥  After the ceremony at the lake, we partied at the club house at Fillmore Golf course.  During the festivities, I was summoned out the back door and kidnapped by the Nye boys and a few others. Next stop....Glenview Inn... a lovely spot for a reception.  Lee, too, had been abducted by the gals!  I did coerce my nappers to stop at my Grandpa's in Locke. He hadn't felt up to joining us..... When we arrived...in separate cars, he said, "I told your father it wouldn't last!"   Well Gramps, the joke's on you!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Short and Hot

"As the days begin to shorten
So the heat begins to scorch 'em."
-Almanac archives

Now there's a problem.... I like long, cool days... like I have any control over...well.... anything! Once June 21st rolled past, we began to lose precious moments of daylight... I like dusk at 9 p.m.! I really dislike dusk at 4 p.m.  I'm not really concerned with when daylight arrives in the morning. I usually awaken at the same time and give little thought to whether I begin my morning routine with the lights on or off.  I know that those who have to travel to their jobs have different ideas on sunny skies or darkness.  I can't imagine leaving for work in the dark and returning the same.....and being stuck inside for the duration of daylight.. No wonder so many people are so darned grumpy.  Lee suggests every year that I could gain that extra hour of daylight by traveling south... I do realize that it stays lighter longer the closer you get to the equator but it also gets hotter... Herein lies my original dilemma...light versus heat. Daylight Saving time should be year round.. the only people who benefit from changing back and forth are the battery companies who tout these 2 days as days to change your smoke/CO2 alarm batteries. That would be an extra hour of energy savings for most of us... I'm sure that would add up to big bucks and be a good campaign slogan for somebody. After all, you can never make too many campaign promises....and how awesome would that be to promise voters an extra hour of daylight.  "I see the light", "A light at the end of the tunnel", "Let there be light", I'll lighten your wallet...oops that won't work....but it was a good idea... at least one they could actually deliver!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Teaching Moments

Bailee has an iPod (get over it) and occasionally likes to play games or listen to music on my iPhone if she doesn't have it with her.  She bats her baby browns and asks if she can put a new game on my phone... After a few seconds of the obligatory "do you really need another game?" routine, I acquiesce, ask what it is, if it's free and move on!  I'm positive I've made her happier than she was prior and that nobody else in the world can accomplish that but me!!??  Anyway, this new game is called "School Dance!".  She happily plays for quite awhile and then returns, once again batting the eyelashes with those big doe eyes, and explains that she has to have more dollars to shop for the dance....A mere $1.99 of real money can get her $1000 of "play $" to shop.  I asked to look at the game.  The screen said "You are not popular enough to go to the dance.  Purchase better clothes to increase your popularity!".   That was Grandma's WTF moment!!!  Let's sit down. it's talk time!!!  I really couldn't go with the clothes don't make the man discussion as we had just had a pretty good laugh over Papa wearing socks with sandals! So, we did have an in depth conversation about being popular.  As soon as it ended, she looked at me and said, "So Grandma, it's not what you wear or what you look like, it's really just who you are!" ding, ding, ding...... give that girl the prize. There is really nothing that can't be taught if we take the time to share the lesson.  We have so many obstacles thrown in our paths to raising bright, fun, compassionate little people.  We can't leave all the lessons up to our paid educators...... we, as parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends and family, need to do our part when the opportunity arises.  They learn pretty quickly if we just give 'em the chance!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Catch up!!

Last week I neglected my brain exercises..... this crazy blog!  The heat is turning my gray matter into gray mush.... Maybe I need more time with Christian Grey.... I have been having withdrawals!  I did read a James Patterson book last week and starting a new one today.... I am most relaxed doing little of nothing and doing it in front of a fan!!! Old age, obesity and heat do not make a pretty Grandma.

Last week did produce my new computer... It's pretty cool and all in one... no tower, no speakers and no clutter..... except that I have the entire old system sitting on a filing cabinet behind me until I manage to remove our business package and address book... Change doesn't come without challenge..at least to me.

Started plans and reservations for Jess and B's big adventure this fall.  They'll be joining their cousin Daryl and his bride at their wedding on a Caribbean cruise. They're very excited:-)

Jeffrey's air conditioning system died in his house...in Charlotte....where it's been 100+ for the past 10 days.  A brand new one is being installed as I type.  Also, if plane capacity allows, he'll be home Thursday for a few days...His visits always recharge my batteries:-)

Just back from a visit with Mom.... Left her singing Darktown Strutter's Ball!! Jess and Bailee went along and we stopped and "visited" with the new, miniature, donkey baby at Doug VanBenSchoten's. Baby anythings are always so darned cute. This little critter had ears like antennas!

Lost 2 more chickens last week.  We're seriously contemplating "sacrificing" one to see what is actually killing them. We just might be able to prevent it if we knew what, how and when!!! Everyone told me with 18 hens I'd have so many eggs I'd have to sell them.....Pretty soon I'll be lucky if I have enough for an omelet!!

Bailee will start Recreation at the Glen tomorrow... no full weeks with Dad this year so she can join the fun across the road... I think she'll love it!!!

That's it for last week.... Nothing earth shattering.... thank goodness.  Hopefully we can all get through tomorrow's 100 degree predicted temps.  I could so use a good snowstorm right about now.... I am not a tropical kind of gal.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

An Amazing Lady.....

I love her quote:  It's a lot easier to start out tough and get nicer than to start out nice and get tougher!!!  My heart goes out to TYler, her son.... this horrendous disease is often harder on the family than the victim!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


1. My present is pretty good... My past is just that but I enjoy immensely remembering most of it!!
2. Couldn't care less
3. Just hope for time
4. My favorite.... YOU are the only one responsible for your happiness
5. It's enough work to just worry about yourself...they aren't worrying about you!!!
6. Strongly disagree with this one.... We're in the shape we're in because many stopped thinking and some forgot to start!!!!!
7. You bet.... Smile, smile, smile... as they say, people will wonder what you're up to:-)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I want to live forever

I met a fairy who said she would grant me one wish.

"I want to live forever," I said.
"Sorry" said the fairy, "I'm not allowed to grant wishes like that!""
Fine," I said, "then I want to die after the Democrats get their heads out of their asses!
""You crafty bastard," said the fairy.

I've resigned myself to the fact that the next 4 months will be all about politics.  Unfortunately, it won't be all about the people.  This week we'll talk (and talk and talk and talk...) about restoring the Bush tax cuts and to whom.  Some of these changes are particularly important to us (the baby boomers who are thinking and planning for retirement.) Here are a few of the changes that could literally make us or break us!

1.  Capital Gains...will jump from 15% to 20 %!  That 5% can be a pretty important number if you own a business and now will be giving the government another 20th of what you worked your whole life for.
2.  Tax on Dividends... Your portfolio may now be taxed from 15% to as high as 40% depending on your individual tax rate.  So, what you've earned over the last say 10 years, goes to another tax instead of your pocket.... shocker
3  Estate taxes... We all felt pretty comfortable about selling the farm and being safe from huge tax repercussions.  Not any more!  The level we would have had to hit used to be 5 million in value... As I said, we're all pretty safe....Now it will be 1 million.  It's pretty easy to attain an estate with that value when you consider a new SUV is over $40K and new homes are in the $250K range.  So, we've become vulnerable at the million dollar threshold and the rate will rise from 35% to 55%! Can you say, "let the gifting begin!"
4.  At the end of this year, even buying energy efficient appliances will no longer give you a tax break along with some perks such as using mass transit (not an issue for us country folks) and getting breaks for paying local sales taxes.

We must now remember that Bush was a Republican... Republicans want these taxes renewed for everyone....even the wealthy... (Last I knew they were included in everyone).  Mr Obama wants them renewed for the middle class... I sort of get his point but then we're into the class system.... I'm not sure we really want to go there....especially in an election year.  I think it's really quite simple.  You don't spend more than you make OR that you can afford to pay back over a minimal amount of time......that NOT being a generation.  Hmm that sounds a bit like the way to run a business...Now, who of the two gentlemen running for President has the skills necessary to run a successful business?

Friday, July 6, 2012

Cyber Mourning

My desk should be shrouded in black.  My computer has died!  Well it may not actually totally without breath but it's on life support. .....and I'm about as far away from a tech paramedic that it might as well pull it's own plug! I can't access anything online although it's connected and all is working fine on the provider end. I can access what I need to remove information such as documents, photos, addresses and favorites.....I just have no idea how to perform the surgeries. Such things should just ...work!  When I push the handle on the toilet, it should flush. When I turn on the TV, my program should appear. When I hit the button on my camera, it should flash and when I answer my phone, someone should say hello.  It is the 21st century!
I guess all things happen for a reason.  I was meant to stay in my den today and clean off my desk.
Asssuming that will entail removing all the tiny fingernail clippings that have scattered around, the enumerable follicles of hair that I've shed and the crumbs that have accumulated from my mid afternoon snacks. There's a chance that I might even uncover some of the lists that I have recently made that have come up missing.  My new computer is an all-in-one so I can remove the tower and make room for more "junk! It's due to arrive on the 12th so I'm thinking that I'll have the neatest desk ever for at least another week.  This is all coinciding with the demise of Kodak Gallery as well so no more Kodak software for me...That's kind of sad in itself.  I was very good to Kodak for over  40 years and now I have to learn all about Shutterfly....I always thought I'd have my trusted Kodak everything for ever.  I know, nothing is forever. But if I don't get busy, I'll be in here forever trying to remove info and spiff up my daily habitat. Change is good.....(no it isn't..who am I kidding?)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sponge Bailee

My Sponge Bailee Smarty Pants.  She loves to soak in all she can...whether it's reading, math, science, geography or lately history.  She's decided that her 6th birthday will be all about the world.  She likes to find the countries on the map, learn about their people and the animals that live there.  We have lots of fun and clever things planned for the occasion....even an around the world breakfast. She has a fun "stack the states" game on her iPod (and now on my phone). She knows the shapes of states and lots of their capitals.  Yesterday, she wanted me to add a game about the presidents..I inquired if she really needed a new game.  "I do Grandma! I only know 3 presidents......Washington, Obama and Oprah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sadly I almost wish Oprah was a president). So of course, I downloaded the game and I began to prove I know pretty much nothing about presidential trivia.  Through the process of elimination, I was able to fake it and she thought, once again, that I was brilliant♥  Part of the quizzes showed 4 president's photos and asked you to pick out a certain one. The one to choose was Barack Obama.  She was sliding through them and asked for help.  I said, "well he's the only one that's black." (happily, that's still a foreign concept to her) I explained that his skin was darker than the others.  All of the sudden with great enthusiasm she exclaimed... "Here he is, Black Obama!" (Ok, Barack looks kind of like Black).  I love that she loves to learn and I love that she makes me laugh.......btw, she now knows about 10 presidents and has figured out why the heck her school is called Millard Fillmore Elementary!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I seen it on Face Book....................arghhhh.. it's (it is) like running your fingers across a chalkboard... It makes me cringe.  I was raised by an ardent writer, lived next door  to an English teacher and enjoyed English in school.  I also love to read and therefore, pretty much, good grammar oozed into me through osmosis.  We were always corrected when we used a word incorrectly and then received the explanation whether (not weather) we requested it or not. I still have some issues with affect and effect but if I stop and think it through, I generally use it correctly.  That's often why it takes me so long to respond..That darn thinking part has always slowed me down. There are many blatant mistakes made when speaking that I feel bad (believe it or not, you are NOT to add the "ly" if the word is describing a sense) correcting people.  But, when you've been taught to use badly rather than bad, it sounds wrong to not add "ly."  That's why it's so tough to really learn the English language.  I done it, he seen it, your crazy, its mine....are probably all petty but to defend some who abuse the language, they probably were raised being spoken to in exactly those words.  OK, that's no excuse!  In today's dwindling job market, you'd better have command of the English language and present yourself as literate and well spoken..... unless of course, you're an immigrant or in a minority and then you're good to go......
These few "cartoons" randomly placed on Face Book might just do some teaching of their own without making the abusers feel targeted... Hey, if the shoe fits, wear (ware, where) it!!!!

                                  BTWHappy Forth of July ;-)  wink, wink

Monday, July 2, 2012

Bad hair, great mind!

"Hmmm, she said as her notice arrived in the mail announcing a 13.90% increase in her monthly healthcare premium!"  I could only explain this in the third person as it's almost like an out of body experience. According to POTUS, we'll all be better off and privy to affordable health care.  "Affordable" as long as you can "afford" it! I have never been without healthcare and thankfully have never used it excessively...or almost at all (knock on wood).  If approved, our healthcare premium, starting in January, will be pennies under $1200 PER MONTH.  If Lee were to begin drawing his social security this year (he'll be 62 in 29 days) he'd be getting just under $900.00 PER MONTH.  What a wonderful, caring president and Congress (and Supreme Court)  to throw us a 900 dollar bone that doesn't even cover our afforable healthcare. Oh, that's right, we have to cover their salaries and health care forever...I keep trying to forget that.  You might not like Donald Trump...but if I don't have to look at his hair or kiss those lips, I do!  He may have gone over the top a bit on the birth certificate issue but he has an amazing mind and has no allegiance to anyone...financially.  He got into debt himself and he got out of debt himself and I actually believe he would be an asset to our country... We are a floundering business afterall and our CEO pretty much sucks.  I guess all I can hope for is hearing on November 6th those endearing Trump words....."You're Fired!"