Monday, November 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Week

Most of us are tickled to have a BirthDAY.. Miss B gets a BirthWEEK....OK..I make it a birthweek!  Yesterday began the festivities with our family and friends birthday breakfast.  It was great... Rapunzel was the theme this year.. carried over from Halloween.  We decorated with Rapunzel's tower, lanterns floating from the ceiling (sky) just like Rapunzel's parents did every year on her birthday and some Wanted Posters for Flynn Ryder.....Rapunzel's "knight in no armor." We had about 30 people join us for breakfast and cake...Those two should always go hand in hand!  We had french toast, bacon, sausage, eggs, fruit and juice, milk and coffee..and cake and sherbet.  Bailee loved all of her gifts.  She is a very appreciative and thankful little girl for five years old... well almost... 4 years, 11 months and 27 days!....but who's counting?  She loves to read and got many books and games.  She got make-up and lots of girly things, a doll, some clothes and a new cash register....The register was a number one hit... It came complete with money, a scale to weigh "whatever" ( batteries, postcards, pens, milk glasses, forks etc...), a scanner that beeped and gave an amount and games that would help teach the values of money and math skills.... It was a hit Aunt Kyle and Uncle Ray!!!! Grandma and Papa gave her a Nook e-Reader complete with some already downloaded books, Spanish flashcards and some games.  One book was 500 Knock-Knock jokes....we laughed a lot!!!!!
Tomorrow will be birthday day in school as parent conferences are planned for her actual birthday on Thursday.....but ON Thursday, birthday dinner at our house....chuck roast, mashed potatoes, yellow beans, cottage cheese and rolls..... coincidentally quite similar to Uncle Jeff's annual birthday dinner request.. (which we'll rerun on the 27th). Bailee will then have a sleepover at her Dad's on Saturday which hopefully we'll be another day of birthday fun....
I figure if we're blessed to have a birthday each year, why not celebrate for an entire week!!

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