Friday, November 4, 2011

The big 6-0

Starting next week, my classmates and I will be begin our SEVENTH decade by randomly turning 60. What the hell!!!! I remember recently telling someone that you're only as old as you feel.  What the hell!!!!  Maybe I actually AM older than 59 and 7 months and 3 days!(but who's counting)  I'm quite positive that we act younger than the past two generations did as they entered their 60's but then I realize that Lee goes to bed at 7:30 p.m. after consuming his supper, a glass (or 2) of scotch and then cereal...(in essence..fiber)!  I settle into my chair to watch the same evening programs that I watch every scheduled week night or lately at my desk (which is by the chair that is by the TV) so I can play computer games with my other old friends who have no life either.  A successfully, fun night consists of staying awake past 11 and being elated if I can muster up a word like exlax for 60 points on Words with Friends!!(Scrabble for old folks)  What the hell did the past two generations do after 8 o'clock at night?.... probably something weird like knit, or read or talk!!  I'm hoping this will be a year filled with celebrations. Sixty is a milestone after all.  It seems to be the age where we're examining our bucket list a bit closer, the holidays seem more important because they're including things like traditions and grandkids, holding on to our memories for dear life and not buying green bananas.  There's still room for optimism for us but we're scared to death for our kids and theirs.  We can only hope we've taught them the skills to survive and they'll remember "who brung them to the dance!" as a very wise man once said. I guess I'll try and live each day to the fullest and celebrate each 60th birthday with thanks.....Let the parties begin!

                                          Happy 60th to Pam next week!!!

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