Friday, October 21, 2011

You'd love this one Art!

Remember Art Linkletter's, "Kids say the Darndest Things" ?    Well someone should revive it. Our dinner conversations are often the "funnest" time of my day.  Last night was no exception.  We had been talking about Christmas and how Santa was busy keeping his eye on all the boys and girls.....and the ones who ate their dinners with no grief when Bailee commented to Papa that he would be getting presents this year. "Because you quit smoking and are doing better stuff Papa, you'll get presents this year....not like last year when Grandma said you'd be getting coal!"  And then she said, "Aren't you proud you don't smoke Papa?...I am!!"  OK, that was Heart Melting 101 !
Then we got into the syllable game.  She still has a tough time w/ her r's.... That's the only sound left that her speech therapist is conquering. warem and car is carer.....always that extra syllable. So, we often play the clapping/syllable game....One clap for those words....and that works!! Last night Bailee said, "I'll say the word and you clap the syllables and tell me how many!"  We started with two syllable words and then she gave me Thanks-giv-ing...clap,clap, clap.  I searched for a big, long word.... Got it!  "SUPPOSITORY".... she clapped out the syllables and said "5!"  Yep, you're right.... do you know what a suppository is?  "Sure", she exclaimed, " It's the room at school where they keep all the computers!"....... Well I always knew it to be the computer laboratory but from now on you can bet's the computer suppository!!!
We keep saying we need to write these down so!!!  Here it is!

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