Friday, October 14, 2011

It takes a village......

Hillary Clinton's African proverb, It Takes a Village to Raise a Child, is spot on.  We often hear criticism about living in a small town...everybody knows (or think they know) everybody else's business.  OK, maybe a slight downfall of small town America....But I've always tried to look at the glass (of beer) half full.  ANYtime I've needed a helping hand or a brainstorming session on how to get something accomplished.... our small town pals have been there.  When we needed a bookcase put together..they were there. When we needed a huge outdoor playyard put together...they were there. Today we "turned on our thinking caps" (as Bailee taught us to do.....I guess teaching strategies have have held firm throughout the years) and constructed Rapunzel's tower for Halloween. Uncle Jon began the ball rolling with the perfect medium for the tower itself.  Grandma located the perfect size. "Uncle" Mike (Powers) used his construction mind, Grandpa wisdom and executed the openings and the cushioning. Jayson offered moral support. Papa provided the tools and Grandma found the flagstone paper covering, giant braid and ivy to wrap around the tower......Not only only does it take a village to raise a takes one to make their Halloween costume too!!!
more pictures to follow.....
Have a great week-end and GO BILLS !!

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