Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A new neighbor

This past week-end Lee excitedly came in the house having captured a photo across the road by the "Barge Canal." (ok, it's a field drainage ditch but we beautify all we can). "What kind of bird is this?" he chirped.  Not knowing, we headed to the living room and our bird book. (I know, how freakin' old are we that we even have a bird book much less excitedly went to it?) There, right on the front cover was our new neighbor. (notice the yellow page markers that fill the book so we don't have to squint through the index each time we want to find a particular bird).  A Belted Kingfisher was sitting proudly on the same kind of branch that Lee had photographed his bird.  Our book  gives a summarized description of each bird, it's native surroundings, it's food source and even it's song. Lee couldn't wait to push the button and hear exactly what Mr. Kingfisher sounds like.................Lee is deaf!!!!  His disappointment when he couldn't hear the Kingfisher's call was replaced by excitement when we explained that the batteries in the book were dead!  We replaced them and positioned the book in close proximity to his ear.....pushed the button and saw the delighted look on his face.  We now know how Annie Sullivan and Helen Keller felt at the well:-)
Such little pleasures here at EIEIO♥

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