Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Words with Friends......

There are certain things that people in their 60's need to sustain life.... water (or some form of drinkable fluid), food (whether it be pizza or hummus), sleep, grandchildren (family, if you're able to pick and choose) and technology.  At least those are the things that sustain me!  If someone were to take away my T.V., my computer, my phone and my Kindle, I would be in a Kevorkian state of mind.  I've extolled what I believe to be the virtues of Facebook and I stick by it.  I don't usually care who's going to bed when or who's made at whom but I love the connection and the equal ground on which it puts us all. I justify the games I've recently begun playing as my form of use it or lose it!  I can sit in my jammies with my diet soda and be stimulated.......above the neck at least.  Other parts have seen far less stimulation in the last few years..(TMI).  I play Family Feud with friends and a few months ago began playing Who Wants to be a Millionaire too....My new brain tease is Words with Friends!  Not once in 60 years did I play Scrabble but this game, which is virtually the online version, is fun.  You can have as many games going as you choose and it slips your brain in overdrive.  I have vowed that I will not use a dictionary so I am somewhat limited to my gray matter vocabulary and I do believe that some of my opponents do peek but I'll remain true and reach into the storage compartments of my cerebellum in hopes of bringing out something usable worth as many points as possible.  I have relagated myself to a few "hi's and to's and if's" and even marveled that il and phi and id are indeed real words. I shamelessly might add an "s" or an "ed" to someone else's word while remembering that an old brain gets tired too.  I thouroughly enjoy playing Words with Friends, even if I can't remember their name!

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