Friday, July 15, 2011

To Smell and Back

As important as sights and sounds can be, the sense of smell can evoke memories too. That wonderful little Olfactory nerve can take the credit...or the blame...It depends.  It's nerve that registers smells by carrying the impulses for the sense of smell from the nose to the brain. It is up to us, and the compilation of our memories, to decide and interpret every smell we sniff. Unique memory cells are stored in strategic places in our brain and they become active with the slightest stimulation of a smell. This can be a blessing or a curse. For me, roses are a curse. They're lovely to look at, they stand for love...............and they remind me of nothing but death and sadness.  :-(   Mothballs...not a particularly pleasant smell (especially if you're a moth) bring back a flood of memories associated with summer.  I have over 50 years of Owasco lake memories and they're all wonderful..even the various boys who broke my heart during summer vacations conjure up a smile when I smell those mothballs.... Mom always closed the cottage by placing mothballs on every mattress and under every couch and chair cushion.. Unfortunately, they lingered for the entire 12 months.  Cigars... not good... a pukeable offense.  I'm immediately transported to the back seat of my Grandpa's Cadillac (with windows rolled up) headed for the Aurora Inn to celebrate Mother's Day.  Lamb.... my mouth immediately waters and I picture dinner at Grandma's replete with two identical, glass dishes filled with mint jelly.  The smell of oranges takes me to Florida, the smell of cinnamon takes me to Fartland, the smell of line dried sheets relaxes me instantly, the smell of a hospital panics me just as quickly.  Just the other day I was going through the very last box of "stuff" from my Mom's house.  It happened to be the box where she had stored the memorabilia from my brother Steve. He passed away nearly 42 years ago. In a little leather box was a sample bottle of the exact aftershave he wore.  I figured, just for grins, I'd take a whiff ...assuming all the scent had vanished after four decades. WOW! It was as if he were standing next to me (offering me that quarter to leave him..and his friends alone for 30 minutes).  A few sniffles later, that little bottle has a new home in my jewelry box. So when you think your memories are activated by things you see and sounds you hear, take a big deep breath .... you might be surprised where you find yourself!

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