Thursday, July 21, 2011

This heat bugs me!!

Ugh.... I really don't like this weather...and No, I won't be the one wishing it was warmer in January.  There was a bug in my den the other night about the size of Rhode Island.  I don't "do" bugs.  I don't like them in Florida and I really don't like them in New York.  It crawled up the wall then took flight over my head and, because my eyes were closed following my blood curdling scream, I had NO idea where it landed...I shut off the TV, closed the door  and moved to the living room despite the fact that den is now the cool room. The next morning, Jess scoured the den looking for appeared... to have disappeared.  That's kind of freaky in itself.  The mystery of the missing bug was solved last night... I walked into our bathroom and it was crawling across the floor...Another blood curdling scream fell on deaf ears...literally. I could have been attacked by the real Gargantua and nobody would have rescued me.  I found my Prince Galahad sound asleep in his underwear in the man cave recliner. Without the benefit of a sword or shield, he saved me from the alien space invader.  I still tread lightly hoping he hadn't summoned more troops before he met his "timely" death. Bugs don't flourish in the frosty cold....Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

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