Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A good dose of reality

I'm thinking about hawking my own reality show.  It seems that many of them have become my "go to" shows.  I've always loved Extreme Home Makeover.. I cry every single show! but then I cry at  commercials.... The "Mean Joe Green" one got me every time. Dancing with the Stars dipped me as soon as I watched the finale of it's inaugural year. American Idol?  I can take it or leave it.  I loved Simon, hated Paula, liked Ellen, adored J-lo, surprisingly enjoyed Steven and accepted Randy, the Dawg ,you're in it to win, make it your own Jackson....Oh and the competitors were OK too...The best vocalists were seldom the winners.  The Voice was my favorite new show in the reality realm .  It didn't take long to actually love Adam Levin and  Blake Shelton, adapt to Christina and learn who the hell Ceelo Green was. The contestants, songs and productions were top notch. Design Star on HGTV decorates my Monday nights (until football of course and then it's TIVO time).  If I had to live with only one channel to view, HGTV would be my choice. (of course, they'd have to air NFL and college football but we'd work it out). Food Network's Food Star satisfies my appetite!. It's important for me to learn how to turn everything from a cupcake to lasagna into a sandwich???? Just last Sunday, I happened to find the complete last season of Project Runway airing in one afternoon.  I'm on pins and needles waiting for tomorrow night when the new season premiers. Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn........worlds apart but it works. The Apprentice... I'm Hired!  I like the Donald (maybe not as my president but he's one smart fellow) and who doesn't want to learn how to make money? I love Football! Last year I enjoyed ESPN's reality show featuring training camp in Cortland with Rex and the Jets....Some fans were taken back by Rex's seemingly excessive use of four letter words.  You know, "excuse my french..but"... No problem Rex, I'm fluent in French!  So as you can see, I love football and design the most...Well guess what... This fall I'll have the very best of both worlds.  Rise-Up a new series that will be hosted by for NFL Linebacker, Chris Spielman and Designer, Deanne Bell, will find High Schools that have been hit hard over the last few years and give their football equipment a total make-over.
 The series will kick off Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. and I will happily give up Vanna White for a little high school pigskin upgrade.. In addition to filming the series, ESPN has enlisted Country Superstar and avid football fan, Kenny Chesney, to pen the theme-song for the series.And you thought only his tractor was sexy....
Back to reality for me, laundry's ready to hang, dust is patiently waiting to be swiffered and plants are calling for a drink and we're in for a T storm!!!! Looks like I'm on the air!

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