Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Good Day

Yesterday was Mom's quarterly check up.  Any of you who follow, know that each one is an adventure in itself. As of late, our visits mentally take Mom to the airport.  It took a couple of trips to figure that out but my Alzheimer's handbook tells me to go with the I try my best.  Yesterday, we had to sit a spell in the exam room waiting for our turn.  By the way, Mom looked especially good yesterday. She had a nice, recent perm, her nails were freshly polished, she had on a new birthday outfit I had given her (although she told me she was wearing someone else's clothes) and had on the brand new Croc sandals I found for her feet could breathe..(quite appropriate actually as her feet too closely resemble a real alligator...eeeeeww). Anyway, Mom took a bit of a catnap while we waited.  After a few minutes she awoke and asked, "where's my dog?" I explained that she didn't have a dog and hadn't had one for 30 years.  She said, "Oh yes, I just saw her. She went out and then came right back in!"  Once again (NOT following the handbook) I explained that she did not have a dog. This continued till I was saved by the Doctor. She's healthy as a horse, blood pressure far better than mine, gained a few pounds despite "misplacing" her teeth awhile back (still haven't located them) and blood work A-OK.  Off we go back "home"....she always asks where she lives and then gets there and says it looks like a very nice place....she might move there. In we go, down the hall to the Memory Wing and open the door.  There in the middle of the "living room" is a DOG! strangely enough named "Sandy!"  So, not only was Mom looking good and feeling good but she was remembering good.  It was a good day....and we all can use those once in awhile!

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