Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hot, Hot, Hot

I have never been one of those that said, "gee I wish it would warm up!"  ...not even in the dead of winter.  I can always put more clothes on or cover up with a blanket or even turn up the heat.  In this lovely summer weather, I find it a daunting task to keep cool.  My best remedy for cooling is to not move.  I can do that!  I have a ceiling fan and a floor fan in my den and I open up the house early to let the cool breezes work their magic then I close up and hope the hot air escapes through the skylights.We have two small ceiling fans over our bed that work wonders although sometimes, such as last night, they backfire (and I use the term lightly) and send Lee's evening scent waifing throughout the bedroom. I've sprayed so much air freshener over the years, I often now confuse the smell of cinnamon and shit.We do have an air conditioner resting nicely in the basement but we've been able to survive without hauling it up the steps.  Since we haven't yet launched the pontoon boat...and who knows if we will, I'm quite ready for fall.  It looks like the NFL execs may very well pull their heads out of their asses in time to save  the season and my sanity. Fall without football would be like Jess without her phone..... unacceptable! I guess heat is all relevant... Jeff said the heat index in Charlotte at the airport today was to be near 135....I don't think my oven even gets that hot.  So, when I think it's too hot today, I'll think of all those people in places hotter than here and count my blessings once again. 

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