Friday, July 29, 2011


I have no reservations about making a reservation at the Reservation.  Amazingly, Lee is already home (11 a.m.) and nearly ready to roll Jerome to Verona (Turning Stone Resort and Casino)  We'll be staying at the River Birch part of the Villages.. Each area is designated by certain trees....White Pine, Poplar, etc... all with concrete pads, flowerbeds, water, sewer, WiFi.....and more..My way to camp. They have a paddle boat pond, a pool, a fishing hole, huge gazebo with fire pit, tennis courts, 5 golf courses and even a store.....and of course free shuttles to the casino in case you feel like getting scalped...(pun intended).  It's Lee's birthday Sunday and we celebrate each one with renewed fervor and joy.  When we get back Sunday, we'll see Bailee and Jess.  Bailee's been at her Dad's since last Saturday :-( It' s raining right now (which is fine) but the weather is to be hot and sunny for the week-end....Yes, we have a/c! See you later Kemosabes!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Good Day

Yesterday was Mom's quarterly check up.  Any of you who follow, know that each one is an adventure in itself. As of late, our visits mentally take Mom to the airport.  It took a couple of trips to figure that out but my Alzheimer's handbook tells me to go with the I try my best.  Yesterday, we had to sit a spell in the exam room waiting for our turn.  By the way, Mom looked especially good yesterday. She had a nice, recent perm, her nails were freshly polished, she had on a new birthday outfit I had given her (although she told me she was wearing someone else's clothes) and had on the brand new Croc sandals I found for her feet could breathe..(quite appropriate actually as her feet too closely resemble a real alligator...eeeeeww). Anyway, Mom took a bit of a catnap while we waited.  After a few minutes she awoke and asked, "where's my dog?" I explained that she didn't have a dog and hadn't had one for 30 years.  She said, "Oh yes, I just saw her. She went out and then came right back in!"  Once again (NOT following the handbook) I explained that she did not have a dog. This continued till I was saved by the Doctor. She's healthy as a horse, blood pressure far better than mine, gained a few pounds despite "misplacing" her teeth awhile back (still haven't located them) and blood work A-OK.  Off we go back "home"....she always asks where she lives and then gets there and says it looks like a very nice place....she might move there. In we go, down the hall to the Memory Wing and open the door.  There in the middle of the "living room" is a DOG! strangely enough named "Sandy!"  So, not only was Mom looking good and feeling good but she was remembering good.  It was a good day....and we all can use those once in awhile!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A good dose of reality

I'm thinking about hawking my own reality show.  It seems that many of them have become my "go to" shows.  I've always loved Extreme Home Makeover.. I cry every single show! but then I cry at  commercials.... The "Mean Joe Green" one got me every time. Dancing with the Stars dipped me as soon as I watched the finale of it's inaugural year. American Idol?  I can take it or leave it.  I loved Simon, hated Paula, liked Ellen, adored J-lo, surprisingly enjoyed Steven and accepted Randy, the Dawg ,you're in it to win, make it your own Jackson....Oh and the competitors were OK too...The best vocalists were seldom the winners.  The Voice was my favorite new show in the reality realm .  It didn't take long to actually love Adam Levin and  Blake Shelton, adapt to Christina and learn who the hell Ceelo Green was. The contestants, songs and productions were top notch. Design Star on HGTV decorates my Monday nights (until football of course and then it's TIVO time).  If I had to live with only one channel to view, HGTV would be my choice. (of course, they'd have to air NFL and college football but we'd work it out). Food Network's Food Star satisfies my appetite!. It's important for me to learn how to turn everything from a cupcake to lasagna into a sandwich???? Just last Sunday, I happened to find the complete last season of Project Runway airing in one afternoon.  I'm on pins and needles waiting for tomorrow night when the new season premiers. Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn........worlds apart but it works. The Apprentice... I'm Hired!  I like the Donald (maybe not as my president but he's one smart fellow) and who doesn't want to learn how to make money? I love Football! Last year I enjoyed ESPN's reality show featuring training camp in Cortland with Rex and the Jets....Some fans were taken back by Rex's seemingly excessive use of four letter words.  You know, "excuse my french..but"... No problem Rex, I'm fluent in French!  So as you can see, I love football and design the most...Well guess what... This fall I'll have the very best of both worlds.  Rise-Up a new series that will be hosted by for NFL Linebacker, Chris Spielman and Designer, Deanne Bell, will find High Schools that have been hit hard over the last few years and give their football equipment a total make-over.
 The series will kick off Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. and I will happily give up Vanna White for a little high school pigskin upgrade.. In addition to filming the series, ESPN has enlisted Country Superstar and avid football fan, Kenny Chesney, to pen the theme-song for the series.And you thought only his tractor was sexy....
Back to reality for me, laundry's ready to hang, dust is patiently waiting to be swiffered and plants are calling for a drink and we're in for a T storm!!!! Looks like I'm on the air!

Monday, July 25, 2011


Planning in organizations and public policy is both the organizational process of creating and maintaining a plan; and the psychological process of thinking about the activities required to create a desired goal on some scale. As such, it is a fundamental property of intelligent behavior. This thought process is essential to the creation and refinement of a plan, or integration of it with other plans, that is, it combines forecasting of developments with the preparation of scenarios of how to react to them.

Two attitudes to planning need to be held in tension: on the one hand we need to be prepared for what may lie ahead, which may mean contingencies and flexible processes. On the other hand, our future is shaped by consequences of our own planning and actions.

As with most addictions, I know the first step is simply admitting it. I AM A PLANNER!  A very good friend of mine taught me long ago, "It's better to be ready and not go, then to go and not be ready!".. Chances of me going and not ready are slim to none. We're going camping this week-end and I'm least I have my lists prepared.  I make lists, lots and lots of lists. Lee and Jeff's great Alaskan adventure next month is planned to the best of my ability.  Their tickets are purchased, their first 2 nights rooms are reserved and new underwear is packed.  From there on, they're on their own....which frightens me a bit but I'll survive. I know when they're leaving and when they're coming between will work itself out. Some of Bailee's school supplies are purchased...the rest are "on a list" to accomplish when we have a shopping week-end while Papa and Uncle Jeff are away. No firm Halloween plans as of yet but we're thinking about it. Bailee and Uncle Jeff's November birthday gifts are purchased. I have much of my Christmas shopping completed.  I have my Christmas 2011 ornaments purchased and I'm awaiting wrapping paper for their Thanksgiving disbursement.  Florida plans are tentatively in the books: Jerome stays home this year, we don't leave till February and will stay into March for a surprise for Lee.  (There's a national trap shoot on the west coast and we're going...mums the word)  A shooting week for him,  a condo/beach week for me!. (No, I haven't yet packed for that).

I even have a book that lists all our insurance policies, important numbers, health info for us and Mom, passwords, accounts, business info and the fact that I want Beach Boy's music played at my Memorial party.  Hopefully, I'll be 90 but "we'll" all be listening to God Only Knows!  (That's a song, not the fact that I couldn't remember the names of any).

I'm sure many believe this is a bit anal but then when have I ever cared what people believe? I've always been a planner. I like to be prepared.  Heck, I've studied for an eye test, a stress test and a pelvic exam....all of which, btw, I aced!

So. make fun of me if you may. but while you all are scrambling to arrange, calculate, conspire, devise, plot and contrive, I have already organized, shaped, projected, formulated and COMPLETED my tasks. This will allow me to stresslessly ( new word of the day) relax and enjoy......

After all,
A plan can play a vital role in helping to avoid mistakes or recognize hidden opportunities. Preparing a satisfactory plan of the organization is essential. The planner has  thought through its development in terms of products, management and finance.

Planning helps in forecasting the future, makes the future visible to some extent. It bridges between where we are and where we want to go. Planning is looking ahead.
And I can see for miles and months:-)

Friday, July 22, 2011

My Brown thumb

My garden abilities are few...I generally tend to buy greenery (flowers) that need minimal attention.  I have several philodendron that thrive.... I water them once a week and they are happy and climbing my walls.... I bought three huge hanging petunias this summer for our front porch... They're still "hanging" in there... They have needed a bit more attention but look great.  I just ordered 3 different size "moss purse" planters.  They're shaped like pocket books and hold whatever fresh flowers you choose...I'm going to concentrate on keeping them green and beautiful...I am a faithful reader of the Farmer's Almanac (especially since it's available online).  They always have great tips on everything from birdwatching to bachelor buttons. One of my favorite tips I'll share this morning and add on a few more just for a pinch to "grow on!"...
  • When using cut, fresh flowers, put them in a solution of 1 part water, 1 part clear soda (sprite, 7-up) and a couple drops of chlorine bleach.  Works like a charm.
  • Don't worry about cutting flower stems at an angle if you're simply arranging them in a vase. It doesn't make much difference to the flower. But a slanted cut helps if you are using floral foam; a stem with a point is easier to insert.
  • Use a vase that's large enough to provide plenty of room for all the stems, with a mouth that's wide enough to allow for good air circulation. Display the bouquet away from full sun and hot and cold drafts. If you have a choice, keep it in your coolest room.
  • Cut garden flowers in the morning or early evening, when the stalks are filled with water. Midday heat is stressful to plants, causing them to wither more readily when cut. Always use a sharp knife. Avoid scissors, which can pinch the water channels of the stalks. If possible, leave the flowers in a cool, dark spot for a few hours to let them stabilize before arranging.
  • If you want to shorten the stems on cut flowers before arranging them, cut their stems underwater; otherwise, the stem can take in too much air, causing a blockage that keeps water from the flower. (This is especially true of roses.) Floral-supply companies sell underwater cutters; or you can cut a flower in the garden, immediately submerge the stem in warm water, and cut it again in the house while holding it below the water line.
Remember these are tips from the gang at the Almanac.... Taking any gardening tips that I may dole out could ultimately turn your green thumb brown.....

  • Thursday, July 21, 2011

    This heat bugs me!!

    Ugh.... I really don't like this weather...and No, I won't be the one wishing it was warmer in January.  There was a bug in my den the other night about the size of Rhode Island.  I don't "do" bugs.  I don't like them in Florida and I really don't like them in New York.  It crawled up the wall then took flight over my head and, because my eyes were closed following my blood curdling scream, I had NO idea where it landed...I shut off the TV, closed the door  and moved to the living room despite the fact that den is now the cool room. The next morning, Jess scoured the den looking for appeared... to have disappeared.  That's kind of freaky in itself.  The mystery of the missing bug was solved last night... I walked into our bathroom and it was crawling across the floor...Another blood curdling scream fell on deaf ears...literally. I could have been attacked by the real Gargantua and nobody would have rescued me.  I found my Prince Galahad sound asleep in his underwear in the man cave recliner. Without the benefit of a sword or shield, he saved me from the alien space invader.  I still tread lightly hoping he hadn't summoned more troops before he met his "timely" death. Bugs don't flourish in the frosty cold....Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

    Monday, July 18, 2011


    Ahhh. Rainy days and Mondays always get me down... Wrong... I love Mondays, as most of you know and this welcomed rain is wonderful. I know what's in store for us this week and I'm NOT looking forward to it.  Heat and Humidity are two of my least favorite H's.....Hemorrhoids and Heart Attack are the other two.  I've gotten by this summer by opening up at night and letting those amazing (water) fall breezes cool off the house.  Morning brings drapes closed, skylights open, fans pulling up the warm air and anything that takes more ambition than sitting.....gets put on hold.  I know my limitations and anything that can be accomplished at my desk will get finished.  My summer sedentary lifestyle is governed solely by the weather! The fact that I am overweight and near 60 is totally irrelevant. (yes, I'm trying to convince myself)....I'm looking at the pros of this weather as taught by my Dad.. (the wisest individual I have met to date). He always advised me to make a pros and cons list and see what I could accept with the cons and accomplish with the pros)  This has been my mantra for every life changing decision I've made. The pros for hot, indoor weather are:
    • All of my bookwork is brought up to date
    • Christmas shopping has begun with several recipients completed.
    • My vinyl records get a workout on my record player and my vocal chords are exercised in joyful "Good Vibrations"
    • My "tivo'd" shows are viewed and deleted
    • Correspondence with out of town family and friends is caught up... (Thank God for Facebook)
    • My catch-all top drawer is sorted and rearranged.
    • My birthday, anniversary, and wedding cards are purchased, stamped , addressed and ready for the USPS
    • My filing cabinets are organized
    • My desk is clean and neat the best of my ability... Hey, I know where things are!
    As you can tell, this is the room I live in.  All it really lacks is a toilet and that's only a room away. I could sleep in my recliner and I could call for delivery if need be.  As long as I have electricity and cable, I will survive.  I'm even starting to like Tuesdays too.

    Friday, July 15, 2011

    To Smell and Back

    As important as sights and sounds can be, the sense of smell can evoke memories too. That wonderful little Olfactory nerve can take the credit...or the blame...It depends.  It's nerve that registers smells by carrying the impulses for the sense of smell from the nose to the brain. It is up to us, and the compilation of our memories, to decide and interpret every smell we sniff. Unique memory cells are stored in strategic places in our brain and they become active with the slightest stimulation of a smell. This can be a blessing or a curse. For me, roses are a curse. They're lovely to look at, they stand for love...............and they remind me of nothing but death and sadness.  :-(   Mothballs...not a particularly pleasant smell (especially if you're a moth) bring back a flood of memories associated with summer.  I have over 50 years of Owasco lake memories and they're all wonderful..even the various boys who broke my heart during summer vacations conjure up a smile when I smell those mothballs.... Mom always closed the cottage by placing mothballs on every mattress and under every couch and chair cushion.. Unfortunately, they lingered for the entire 12 months.  Cigars... not good... a pukeable offense.  I'm immediately transported to the back seat of my Grandpa's Cadillac (with windows rolled up) headed for the Aurora Inn to celebrate Mother's Day.  Lamb.... my mouth immediately waters and I picture dinner at Grandma's replete with two identical, glass dishes filled with mint jelly.  The smell of oranges takes me to Florida, the smell of cinnamon takes me to Fartland, the smell of line dried sheets relaxes me instantly, the smell of a hospital panics me just as quickly.  Just the other day I was going through the very last box of "stuff" from my Mom's house.  It happened to be the box where she had stored the memorabilia from my brother Steve. He passed away nearly 42 years ago. In a little leather box was a sample bottle of the exact aftershave he wore.  I figured, just for grins, I'd take a whiff ...assuming all the scent had vanished after four decades. WOW! It was as if he were standing next to me (offering me that quarter to leave him..and his friends alone for 30 minutes).  A few sniffles later, that little bottle has a new home in my jewelry box. So when you think your memories are activated by things you see and sounds you hear, take a big deep breath .... you might be surprised where you find yourself!

    Thursday, July 14, 2011


    At least the sun will be shining on us today as we all get together and celebrate Delores.  She had more ambition and zest for life than ALL of us put together.  Yesterday, as we were compiling photos and preparing for today, I looked around Wendell and Delores's house wondering when exactly it had changed into a home.  I'm thinking just about the minute she walked in!!!  So many of her family members have remarked that Wendell and her time in the good ole USA were the happiest 4 years of her life.  What a wonderful legacy that leaves for Wendell.  As we were chatting the other day about some necessities, he began to tell me a bit about Delores's life preWendell.  Everybody has a back story and hers wasn't all peaches and cream ( as no one's ever is).  Opposites do attract and sometimes what you thought you liked might change when you see how much that change makes somebody smile.  Delores never liked country music.... Alrighty then....I think those red cowgirl boots turned that 180.  And who would think Wendell would actually enjoy a trip to the Merry-Go-Round Theater?  A canoe trip down the inlet to Owasco Lake?....a picnic where venison was the main dish?...Giving up a snap front shirt for one with actual buttons?....A skinny dip in the pond....Oh the things we do for the ones we love.  As I looked around at the house yesterday, I remarked to Wendell that she sure left his life more beautiful than when she entered. A crisp, white table runner adorned the table with the shotgun shell hole and the beauty of it all was the vase of yellow roses in the middle. They were her favorite and she was his!

                                                               A new butterfly has her wings!

    Wednesday, July 13, 2011

    Raccoon Love

    Well I could probably hum a few bars of Muskrat Love but Raccoon love leaves me silent.  We have some neighbors who love to come and partake of the myriad of seeds, nectars and suets that comprise our wildlife buffet. Last night, just as I was getting ready to retire, I noticed what seemed to be an exceptionally large (tall) critter grabbing a midnight snack.  I looked a little more closely and realized it was not one raccoon but two! As is "normal" with the male of most species, one of them ( or it could have been consensual)  had decided it was time for a little raccoon love. At least I believe that was what was happening.. that.. or a game of "leap frog" going terribly awry. I wasn't positive what I was watching but as far as I could tell... from our bedroom window...with binoculars.....for 10 was a little raccoon S & M... after all, they were wearing masks and what appeared to be whip like tails and making unusually strange sounds...( none of which sounded like "no" or "stop"). I'm not sure what a "safe word" would be for a raccoon... Paws/pause?   Anyway, we all have different appetites for midnight snacks.  Now, in our old age, Lee's appears to be cereal and I appear to be satiated by watching wild raccoon love... Sad but true!

    Tuesday, July 12, 2011

    Hot, Hot, Hot

    I have never been one of those that said, "gee I wish it would warm up!"  ...not even in the dead of winter.  I can always put more clothes on or cover up with a blanket or even turn up the heat.  In this lovely summer weather, I find it a daunting task to keep cool.  My best remedy for cooling is to not move.  I can do that!  I have a ceiling fan and a floor fan in my den and I open up the house early to let the cool breezes work their magic then I close up and hope the hot air escapes through the skylights.We have two small ceiling fans over our bed that work wonders although sometimes, such as last night, they backfire (and I use the term lightly) and send Lee's evening scent waifing throughout the bedroom. I've sprayed so much air freshener over the years, I often now confuse the smell of cinnamon and shit.We do have an air conditioner resting nicely in the basement but we've been able to survive without hauling it up the steps.  Since we haven't yet launched the pontoon boat...and who knows if we will, I'm quite ready for fall.  It looks like the NFL execs may very well pull their heads out of their asses in time to save  the season and my sanity. Fall without football would be like Jess without her phone..... unacceptable! I guess heat is all relevant... Jeff said the heat index in Charlotte at the airport today was to be near 135....I don't think my oven even gets that hot.  So, when I think it's too hot today, I'll think of all those people in places hotter than here and count my blessings once again. 

    Monday, July 11, 2011

    Cancer Sucks!

    Try to picture a young man in his mid forties planning his wife's funeral. They have raised six wonderful children,  owned a successful business in a climate of economic turn-down,  had grandchildren and everything to look forward to..... but he's choosing a funeral venue.  Cancer sucks!  Years later, this same man in his early seventies, (his Golden Years) is seen sitting at the table planning his wife's funeral.  They have built a wonderful house in the country near a glorious, smooth pond. They've enjoyed wintering in the south and a bit of travel.  Cancer sucks!  Now again in his early eighties, his hair gray, wrinkles of wisdom and a good life etched on his sad face, he plans his wife's funeral.  His last few years were filled with travel, the arts, peaceful canoe trips, retirement and a wonderful life many never get to enjoy.  Cancer Sucks!

    Many of us are never lucky enough to find a mate to share our life with.  Few of us are lucky enough to find it more than once.  If you have it....cherish it.... Life is often very short!

    Friday, July 8, 2011

    My Bucket List (sightings)

    I finally get to cross something off my Bucket List of Things I'd like to see.  I was sure I'd have to trek up through the woods to see a pileated woodpecker.  The guys have seen one during hunting season but due to the fact that I neither hunt nor hike, chances of me being in the woods near their sighting area were slim to NFW. Just after supper the other night, Jess exclaimed, "there's a huge woodpecker at the suet feeder!"  I moved to peek thinking it was the red bellied woodpecker who has frequented the suet on occasion.  NOPE!  It was Pete the Pileated Woodpecker and he was huge.  He was wrapped around the suet cage and hung off the bottom too... No way would he fit entirely on the suet holder.  I went for my nearest camera which was my cell phone and snapped a quick photo as he took off like a 747.  Lousy picture :-(  Hoping he'd be back, I sat and waited...duh.....Jess assured me he would be back now that he knew where to get some yummy peanut butter suet.  Yesterday morning, she, as my trusty Cornell bird book educated me, was back for a morning snack.  I had placed my good camera next to the door so I would be ready.  She did fly away but to a very near tree where I had a bird's eye view (what else). She is at least 11-12 inches long and quite a sight. The longest pecker I had ever seen (sad but true). She afforded me about 10 minutes of priceless birdwatching and time to photograph her morning ritual of pecking and pilfering for bugs... both in the tree and on her feathery torso.  Doesn't take much to amuse me in my old age.  I'm still waiting for a loon sighting and I'd really like to photograph a bear. We had one visit once but he/she only left their paw prints, evidence of her feeder mayhem and her resting place to devour the seed and nectar placed there for my feathered friends. I just never know what critter or bird might visit me next...I just know that I love it here!!

    Wednesday, July 6, 2011

    Head vs. Heart

    The jury has spoken.  It wasn't what I wanted to hear but they did their job.  The burden of proof was a monumental undertaking for the prosecution of Casey Anthony.  I thought they did a phenomenal job. I would have voted for felony murder committed in the act of aggravated child abuse.  It appears I would have held the jury in deliberations for......................ever.  I would have been a bad juror.  My heart would probably have prevailed over my head... in fact there's no probably about it...I would never have been able to get past those 31 days of hot body contests, tattoos, drinking, lusting, lies and complete self indulgence.  I don't believe she intended to kill her.  I do believe she intended to silence her. The most compelling statement made by Jeff Ashton, Florida state prosecutor, was... murders are often disguised as accidents, accidents are seldom disguised as murders.  If you ever thought your family was dysfunctional, think again.  As Casey's ex-fiance' said this morning, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!"  Her mother, Cindy lied - Casey lied.  Her Dad was definitely an adulterer and her brother was a outsider.  I do not believe that her family members were in any way contributors in Caylee's death or cover up. I do think they were contributors in Casey's lifestyle.  Enabling is a poor choice...even when you try to explain it away as helping. I think we'll see Casey walk tomorrow or within the very near future. Pundits say 1 year for each guilty charge. (4).  She's been in jail for nearly 3 years.  I'm hoping a suggested sentence is at least one more year of incarceration...and not in a confined space.  She needs to join the general population and take her comeupins!!  I don't think they'll like her very much.  More jail time would, in some VERY small way, compensate for the lack of a guilty verdict . Somehow watching her freely leave the courthouse tomorrow would be almost worse than yesterday's painful 6 words...Not Guilty - Not Guilty - Not Guilty!

    Friday, July 1, 2011

    Independence Day

    Being an independent person, this holiday is especially near and dear to my well being. I quite like being able to say what I want to say, when and where (within reason) I want to say it.  I have the freedom to look and act as the day or situation strikes me.  I can live wherever I can afford, I can eat whatever I like, I can drive wherever I choose and I can even marry whomever I fancy.  All of these freedoms are a direct result of our independence. Included in these rights is the ability to elect whomever I feel will do the best job in seeing that my rights are protected.  I am sorry Dad but I DID vote for Andrew Cuomo. I know he's a Democrat. It wasn't a slip of my lever finger. It was intentional.  I think I actually like him.  I  am thrilled that we have the right to choose when and if  "we" are born. We now have the right to marry whomever we choose.  The only right I am really missing..especially since I sometimes question buying green bananas. is the right to end my life when I deem necessary, purposeful and humane.  If you're talking about certain, inalienable rights... that's one I certainly hope we gain in the next four score and twenty years........preferably sooner.
    I'm off to enjoy this holiday week-end and to revel in our freedoms.  I hope you all have a fun, safe and free week-end!