Tuesday, April 5, 2011

You're never too old to learn

Yesterday morning I received the spring and summer edition of "Adult Continuing Education" catalog.  Wow, it's a prime example of never being too old to learn or maybe it's having way too much free time or even Help, I need to catch up to the 21st century.  Here is a sample of some classes that are offered:

  • Quickbooks for beginners or intermediate or even advanced learners...3 worthless classes for those of us in our "Golden Years". Nothing is ever "quick" anymore.
  • Exploring computers for Senior Citizens...$95 to learn how to turn on your computer...For $95 I'd rather  learn how to turn on my spouse!
  • Medical Terminology and Basic Anatomy... Now, there's one I could use. I know where most of my parts are but I can't remember which pill makes which part work.
  • Beginning Swing Dance... their idea and my idea of swinging are entirely different verbs...mine involve a rope or another couple.
  • Your Master Plan..... isn't working all that well
  • Your Inner Guidance.... more often sends me to the bathroom than to peace
  • Your Soul's Journey...just plain makes my feet hurt!
  • Soap makers for Gardeners...  What the hell does that mean?
  • How Money Works.... I've got this one.. You make $500, your bills are$450 and your taxes are $55,, Ok , maybe I don't have it!
  • Cake Decorating... I barely know anyone left whose candles would fit on anything I'm capable of baking... or that would fit in my oven.
  • Creative Writing...It's summary begins...Are you writing regularly?........Hallelujah... I finally found one think I do do regularly!!
So, needless to say, I probably won't be continuing my education outside the home any time soon. Although, I'm thinking I could maybe teach a few classes.... We'll talk about those another time. My inner guidance is sending me in another direction right now!!!

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