Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Terrible Tuesdays

Lee always says that Tuesday is his worst day of the week.  Yep, he's right!  Yesterday morning was an unplanned trip to Mom's Doctor.  She has been very lethargic to the point of falling asleep in her breakfast and a bit loopier than normal to the point of wanting to eat her napkin.  Her legs have been a bit more swollen too so just to be on the safe side, we traveled to see THE DOCTOR... ("which Dr., Do I know them, have I been there before, why am I going, Is it a man or a woman, I've never been here before. What's the matter, don't you feel good?")  Good thing we did.. She had gained 12 # in 2 weeks.  Back on the lasix twice a day... maybe a little infection which tends to make the loopy, loopier.  When we left she wanted to know where the guys had been that we just picked up at the airport?  Darn..I didn't see any guys but the idea was a good one!!! We got back to Walden Place ("where she'd never been before") and she said she hoped Lee and I had a good trip. (another good idea, Mom).
In the afternoon, we traveled to Auburn for calling hours for one of our good friends, Buz Clark.  He passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday from the same heart ailment Lee has.  Not a real "pick me up" kind of afternoon.
Around  5:00, as I was thinking about how nice my rocker on the porch felt as I watched the northern skies for the approaching thunderstorms, the phone rang with a crying Bailee on the end and the news that stitches might be in order for her heel. Dancing in bare feet with a plie' under the fridge grate produced some a nice, little bloody and meaty cut.  Once Mommy got the bleeding stopped, it was decided that a trip to Convenient Care was in order. Three and a half hours later  we were on our way home in the pouring rain, thunder and lightening. Grandma's eyes aren't what they used to be so I just trudged along hoping that living through stitches didn't end in driving off the road I could barely find.  We made it... Bailee was fine, I was exhausted!
Next week we're just skipping Tuesday and going straight to hump day!

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