Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom

Happy 89th Birthday to my Mom.  Wow, that sure is a milestone.  She is still physically healthy and  nicely settled in Assisted Living at Walden Place in Cortland.  It's a wonderful place that provides everything she needs and peace of mind for me.  There are many things planned for each and every day and today is especially busy. I see by the daily calendar that she will be exercising with noddles (the swimming kind not fettuccine) as I type and then she'll be decorating Easter bonnets.  After lunch she'll be playing Bingo with jelly beans (hopefully she won't eat just the one that would have given her 5 in a row) and filling Easter eggs. Tonight is Movie Night too so her birthday will have her all tuckered out by bedtime.  Now we know that even heading into her 90's, she can have full days that are fun and enjoyable.  In Mom's case, she can do all of those things tomorrow too and have just as much fun... There is a brighter side and with that we rejoice!

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