Friday, April 8, 2011

To the Beach......

Tomorrow we're headed to the Beach.... Boys.....There will be a whole room of flabby armed, tummy tucking, off key, baby boomers in the house.  Some of us will be wearing our Hawaiian beach shirts, others will don their best elastic waist pants and , if we're lucky, we'll be able to spot a few middle agers who enjoy singing along with icons just because they know the words.  The "Boys" on stage will have us clappin' and singing with their very first tune and there won't be a self-conscious bone in our bodies. Last year when the show was over, we followed Mike Love down the hallway of the hotel... it was all the poor guy could do to stand up... He's older than we, needed a cane and his body guards were mainly there just to hold the old guy upright.  They're playing at Turning Stone so we may go up a bit early so Lee can lose a few bucks at Blackjack or Poker and I'll donate my usual $50.00 on the slot machines.  They won't get any more than that even if I'm winning... I don't really care for the slotless slots...  no noise, no coins clinking into the tray when you manage to hit 3 cherries in a row.  There's a lot to the atmosphere that is lacking in their casinos.  They can pump all the oxygen they want in there, they're still just gettin' 50 bucks! We will, however, have a great meal (Lee's cheat night) and we'll spend the night, take the shampoo, conditioner and lotion, use every towel and washcloth and rifle a new pen or two...what night's sleep is really worth over $200?  God Only Knows :-)

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