Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday morning revelations

I always welcome a new week, even if it means that another 7 days are gone.  It gives us perspective on what we might do differently to make the next 7 better.... maybe.
My Monday revelations:

  • Motorcycles and alcohol NEVER go together.....ever
  • $4.00 for a gallon of gas is beyond my scope of acceptance.
  • There will never be enough money or enough time
  • Kissing is worth the risk..even with 4 year olds w/ mono:-(
  • No one can celebrate too many birthdays
  • You can't say "I Love You" too often
  • Spring and Fall trump Winter and Summer
  • Technology rocks
  • You MUST know and enjoy reading and writing
  • Friends aren't optional.. you'll always need them

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