Friday, April 15, 2011

The Class of 2024

I vaguely remember Kindergarten.  I do remember that my teacher was pregnant so we had a new teacher after Christmas. That was 1957-58.... WOW. My early school years were in transit. K - Moravia Elementary (Church Street), 1-4 - Locke School, 5- Locke Firehouse, 6- back to Moravia Elementary and then 7-12 at the High School.  Now, the new elementary auditorium is about the size of our entire Locke School.  That;s OK, we always hope for better things for our kids and grandkids....but who the heck thought it would get here this quickly. OK... I guess 45 years isn't really quick:-(  I was perusing the registration forms Jess received  last night.. It was quite interesting that there are forms to fill out titled "Home Language Questionnaires".. from the Dept. of Defense Education.wanting to know the languages spoke by family, relatives and caretakers.... and a Racial and Ethnic Identification form and a Residency Questionnaire that doesn't want to know your address.. they want to know if you live in a shelter,w/ a relative, in a hotel/motel, a car, park, bus, train or campsite, other temporary situation  permanent housing.  Also, there are forms to be filled out and accompanied by court orders so the school knows who can and who can't have info on the child, who can pick up the child and what the family situation is.  It was refreshing to see that they were, indeed, interested in the what the child has been introduced to in their short life and what they enjoy doing. Oddly (and sadly) a one family home where all siblings and parents live together and speak English and have the same last name is the exception rather than the rule....

I guess that's why grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins play such a valuable part in the family dynamic. There were many Dads there last night. Some were home with other children, some were working and some should have been home in the shower but at least many were there. I'm trying to see the glass as half full and I hope I can contribute, in some small way, to the mental, physical and fun nutrition that Bailee will need to fill that glass..  Let the next 13 years begin.....



fense Education Activity...      

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