Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A league of their own.......

The SEC, The Big 10, The Patriot League, the Ivy League......and our favorite... The Big East!!!  Who the heck decides when a league needs to expand and who should be "invited?"  As of yesterday, the Big East is expanding.  Their choice....TCU.. that would be Texas Christian University.  Assuming those involved with the Big East are scholars (to some degree) and have had access to map in their lifetime, how does a collegiate team in TEXAS fit, geographically, into the Big  EAST?  North, south, east, west.... Remember all those old movies with cowboys and horses roaming around Texas....out west..?   Wouldn't it make sense to have a league in an area where it didn't cost the universities, it's students ,fans and benefactors a fortune to travel to games?  I remember, back in the day as they say, when our high school was involved in inter-school athletics, we played in a county league.  All of our opponents lived within the county. Now, back then it was a long haul to go to a game in Cato..... we'd pack food and blankets for the long trip home... about an hour by bus. Our county is pretty lengthy in miles from north to south.  As the years went on, they changed the qualifications to big schools and little schools.... these new leagues now send our kids,,and buses to Elmira Notre Dame and schools with a pretty hefty travelling radius.  We cut teachers and programs but we still fill up those buses for our athletes to get on the courts, tracks and fields.  That's kind of a big "DUH" for me.  I know, I'm getting old and am starting to think and relate as a senior...and not the ones graduating next summer!  It just seems that from high school to college to pro sports, everything is getting a bit out of hand. Salaries could feed families for years, Medical care on the fields of play could treat 100's of ailing people right here in the good ole USA not to mention suffering countries, travel expenses would scare even the seasoned traveler, costs of facilities are staggering even to those of us who understand the cost of construction.   I know the arguments that new stadiums and even local gymnasiums provide jobs and that sports arenas bring in funds for cities but holy cow....sending an entire sports team, coaches, doctors and equipment to Texas to play in a Big EAST sporting event just doesn't compute  In fact it's down right OxymoronISH....I love to watch and I'm a fan to the end... I guess I'd better just not over think the whole process and quietly (like I'm quiet during any game) be content to be in a League of My Own!!!

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