Friday, November 19, 2010

We'll Remember

Last evening we all enjoyed a festive Thanksgiving feast @ Walden Place.  It's Mom's new home and a wonderful place.  The food is exceptional and last night there was a full house.  We all enjoyed spending some time together which , in our family, is sadly limited.  We're not positive that Grandma recognized Jeff. Her first comment was, "you sure have gotten big" :-)  She thoroughly enjoyed Bailee, as we always do, and we were happy to see the smiles she brought to her.  It was tough for Jeff to hear Gram say that she had never "eaten here before" (only 3 meals a day) or "what's this?" (butter) but realizing she was very comfortable and happy there......we overlooked the rest!  She even made us laugh when she asked who the fellow was sitting next to her.  I replied, "that's John, Mom"... she said "Oh, Hi Roger, how are you tonight?"
Gram looked pretty sharp too.  Thursday is her "hair appt." day and she her nails were freshly painted. She still has the outfit thing down pat.  Her belt and earrings matched perfectly.
This year, I am exceptionally thankful for the staff at Walden Place ♥

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