Monday, November 1, 2010

Butterfly collecting.....

Another Halloween is in the books and another costume win! It was a busy day as our trick or treater was at her Daddy's for a couple hours in the afternoon as Snow White and then morphed into a butterfly in transit to Moravia's parade and costume judging.  They pulled out another prize, this year third place in the most original category.  As you can see, her Mom was the net who had caught the most beautiful butterfly!  After the contest, we made our way to all the Aunts... Kelly,Wendy, Lisa and Kim. Aunt Kyle had delivered her goodie bag for B earlier in the day! What a lucky girl!!!  Bailee's favorite part of the night was flying in the snow at Uncle Zoot's.  We returned to Grandma's for some supper and a bath and the tired butterfly was asleep before she hit the bridge!
Now, out with the ghosts and goblins and in with the pilgrims and turkeys.  The tree may be going up soon with sunflowers and leaf garlands. The theater seating arrives this afternoon and we have just one more project, the decorative ceiling tiles, to finish and we're ready to "head to the movies".  Our first showing will be Toy Story 3 for Miss B and RED for the old people.....

It's a new month and time to ready ourselves for the holidays and birthdays!!!!  Let the celebrations begin!

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