Monday, November 22, 2010

My "Deer" family

This week I'm in the minority.  They have these emails that are like mini questionnaires that travel through the Internet. Some are "Getting to Know You", "4 Questions", etc.  I think if my family was asked to answer these questions, this is what they'd say:
10 Questions
What is your favorite season?                                                    Hunting
What is your favorite color?                                                      Camo
What is your favorite piece of furniture?                                   Tree Stand
If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would it be ?        The Woods
What was your favorite gift ever?                                              A shotgun
What would your ideal meal be?                                                Venison and anything with Beans in it (chili, soup...)
 What 3 things should you always carry with you?                      A rope, a knife and a cell phone (off)
What is your favorite vehicle?                                                    Anything 4-WD  with a gun rack
Name your favorite Sport                                                          Shooting
Name a 4 letter word ending in _ U C K                                   BUCK       (thank God)

I'm already counting the days till it's over :-)

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