Monday, October 11, 2010

Wicker (fall) Wonderland

We had a beautiful, fall day yesterday.  Bailee and I took a tour to the inlet, through the corn and played outside...She said, "Damma, isn't outside awesome?"  She was right.  We also celebrated the Canadian Thanksgiving with a family gathering at the Pond.... The leaves reflecting on the pond was an "awesome" sight!

This morning, as I sit pondering the days events, I finally learned how my favorite wicker furniture meets it's demise.... The little critters that I unsuccessfully tried to exterminate, our having it for lunch :-)  He sat there, munched away and all but waved to me through my den window.

Lee's off to Pulaski fishing for salmon, Jess, B and I are off to visit Grandma and have lunch at A & W and then to maybe start the wallpaper mural in the man cave ( a fall scene with deer -shocker).  Trim up in the H.U.T. this afternoon....

Happy Columbus Day. We're off to discover something too!!

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