Friday, October 8, 2010


Nope, not stocks or bonds, real estate or commodities... just being invested with your day to day jobs.  As you all have heard (ad nauseum), we're putting in a media room.  As I have also reiterated time and time again, I love a project. Today I'm bragging about the guys I've chosen to help make my project a reality.  All good things take time and this one took several months to get off the ground.  I had drawn and planned and shopped and compared most every detail.  My decisions had been made and I was waiting for my "carpenter of choice, Josh!  I knew my painter would be Billy and I just had to find a carpet layer....wasn't sure who I wanted....was very sure who I didn't!  Anyway, back to being invested.  Both Josh and Billy have made wonderful suggestions and I seldom hesitate to ask their opinions... they're the experts, not me. I hired them to make our room appear as I had sketched.  The other day Josh came up with an amazing idea for the concession area.  It would mean a bit more work for him but his lighting idea would transform this wall into a retro work of art.....Whoever invented rope lights....Kudos!  Speaking of works of art,  Billy cringes when I tell him we have a "little project".  I think his words this time were "God help me!"  It is SO coming together and it is awesome....Once again, we collaborated and are making a teeny, weeney extra 1/2 hours work for Josh but boy will it pay off. I love paint, stain and poly...3 of my favorite decorating words.  No longer is paint made to just roll on a wall and stick there....It's much happier when it has some other colors join in and make it fabulous.  We're nearing completion. It's almost time to decorate.  I'll be thrilled when it's finished but then what......?  No more projects?  Oh wait, I did see a beautiful leaf area rug in reds, goldy yellows and an amazing red leather chair in a catalog this week.. I just happened to tear out the pages and slide them into my "projects" folder. We haven't been here quite long enough to redecorate yet so...... I may just have to add on a room....a sun room...hmmm yellow and leaves.......perfect!

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