Wednesday, October 6, 2010

That's silly

The latest craze for the kiddies (and their grandparents) is Silly Bandz.  They're inexpensive, colorful, they don't take batteries and they come in wonderful shapes.  When you stretch them and let go, they come right back to the shape they originally were. As you can see, they're also the latest fashion statement for the fall season. Please note the wrinkled arm pictured above.... Now there's a craz(y) Grandma.  She has the Italian charm bracelet from several years ago, the breast cancer rubber bracelet of the 2009 era, the Pandora bead bracelet from 2010 and the ever fashionable, silly band.  This particular band has great significance. It says I♥U !!  Bailee, her Mom and I all proudly wear one. Bailee did, however; lose hers last week-end and we were several seconds short of hiring a private detective, a bloodhound and the F.B.I.   Luckily, Grandma found an extra and all was right w/ the world.
Teachers are lamenting this latest invention as kids are fiddling with them , trading them and in even some cases, stealing them.  The media says they're unhealthy and showed photos of them digging into the wrists of (obviously morbidly obese) children and cutting off the circulation. Doctors say they really don't present a health problem and Grandmas, who should ultimately have the last word, say they're educational, fashionable and will be a thing of the past by spring.... So lighten up everybody, we probably have bigger and sillier things to fret finding a black one to match my outfit today.....I'll bet there are Halloween ones being sold somewhere.....Be right back!

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