Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Still Mine... A movie to see!

There's a fine line between maudlin and light-hearted reflection.  I started to watch a movie in 2018 and finished it the next year......a mere 12 hours later but light years in perspective.  The story began in the waning years of a couple in their eighties.  I thought how old and wrinkly they appeared. How their gait was slow and each step was contemplated.   I happened to look at my hands....not a smart move.  The wife was content living in her house of many years.  She had raised her children, many of them, and was growing old on her own terms... until the signs were no longer ignorable. The story went on to tell how hard it is for octogenarians (or any seniors) to cope with change. It pretty much sucks! Things move faster and rules are different. It doesn't make a difference if it's making a phone call, paying your taxes or disciplining children. We have old rules, good rules, rules that made sense for decades. Change is inevitable..I know that and the characters in the movie knew that but...we are wise, they were wise and wisdom should make a difference. Simple is good, always was but I still want my lights to come on when I flip the switch, the TV to bring me good entertainment and my toilet to flush when engaged. What I really want.......................................is a phone call or a visit just because, an affirmation that maybe it wasn't any of my business but the advice was good nonetheless, unsolicited "I love yous" and the realization that a lot of this time is not all that much fun.

Life is indeed short but passes at the speed of sound..(Ok, maybe not for Lee;-)  I have promised myself that I will hoe out and throw out for the next few weeks.  Emotions are on high alert but remembering is still a valued sense and I'm usin' it before I'm losin' it.

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