Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Let it Snow.....

Guess what folks?  It's snowing.  That's what it does in the winter in upstate New York. If you're out of bread or milk or beer and you don't like to drive in the snow, too bad...they've predicted this for 48 hours. If you don't like it, move!  If you have to go to work, leave early and drive slowly. It's not rocket science!  Make sure your head AND taillights are clean, use your signals, don't tailgate and you should be fine.  If you don't have to head to work and snow driving unnerves you, stay home, work on your taxes, watch a Lifetime movie, clean your closet, read a book or make something scrumptious for supper or dessert.... after all, they say we could get up to ..................................................wait for it.......................

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