Monday, February 24, 2014

I love Love:-)

Every day I feel a little older.  It takes a second longer to rise from the recliner after sitting for a show, I blink a few more times to focus before I can actually read something on TV or my computer and every day I grasp for the right word or someone's name.  It's a little scary and if I dwell on it too much, I'm sad and kind of scared.  We visited Mom this morning and it always serves me a big helping of There but for the grace of God go I.  But then there are days like last Friday when I tuned into a show and who's there but my old friends, The Beach Boys! I ♥ Mike Love! I've seen him many times in concert.  He moves a little slower but makes my heart race a little faster. He'll be 73 on the ides of March.  Wow:-) One time after a concert, he passed us in the hall...with cane in hand! I wonder if he knows how much his going that extra mile for his fans makes them feel just a tiny bit younger for those 2 hours. Amazing what powers music has. (My Mom's happiest times now are when she's listening to music) So I've decided that when my time comes there won't be any Amazing Grace or Onward Christian Soldiers. There won't be prayers that God will be welcoming me home (or wherever I may land.) There will be "Fun, Fun, Fun" and "Wouldn't it be Nice" and one great big rendition of "GOD Only Knows!"   And lots and lots of LOVE!!!The Beach Boys 50th Anniversary

Born in Los Angeles, California on March 15, 1941, Michael Edward Love, is the oldest in a family of six. Growing up in Southern California, Mike's childhood years exposed him to music, sports, and the iconic environment of Southern California. These influences provided the inspiration to form the now legendary group, The Beach Boys, which first consisted of Mike and his cousins, Brian, Dennis, and Carl Wilson. Beginning their singing careers as teenagers, Mike and the Wilson brothers sang frequently at family get-togethers and holiday gatherings.
In 1961, Mike's professional music career began alongside the Wilson brothers and friend Al Jardine, when The Beach Boys officially formed and were signed by Capitol Records. Mike is recognized as the lead singer and MC of the group, in addition to being responsible for many of the concepts, lyrics, and hooks on the majority of songs that are still regarded as some of the most performed and most played songs in modern music history. Among these hits are, "Good Vibrations", "Kokomo", "Fun, Fun, Fun", "I Get Around", "Surfin' Safari", "Help Me Rhonda","Do It Again", and "California Girls".
In 1988, Mike and the other members of The Beach Boys were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. This same year, Mike had the pleasure of co-writing the #1 hit "Kokomo", with John Phillips of the Mamas and Papas, an amazing 22 years after Mike and his cousin Brian co-authored the Beach Boys' #1 hit of the 60's, "Good Vibrations", marking the longest span of time between number one records of any artist in music history. Both "Good Vibrations" and "Kokomo" were nominated for Grammys. "Kokomo" was also nominated for a Golden Globe Award.
In December of 1967, the Beach Boys were invited to Paris to perform at a GALA for UNICEF. It was there where Mike first encountered Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, at the time accompanied by John Lennon and George Harrison. The group was invited afterwards to learn the TM (transcendental meditation) technique initiated by Maharishi himself. Mike was profoundly affected by the first meditation, stating, " was so simple that anyone could learn it, and if enough people were to practice [TM], the World would be a better place."
Mike later attended a Maharishi lecture at the Harvard Law forum. It was at this event, in Boston, where Maharishi invited Mike to come to India to participate in a TM teachers training course. At that time, Mike recalls, "I didn't realize it was a teacher training course. Nor did I know that the Beatles, Donovan, and Mia Farrow would be there too." Mike has led a blessed life, however one not without challenges. "TM has really enabled me to avoid some of the excesses that are all too easy to get seduced by."
In 1985, Love had an idea to perform a show on July 4th in Washington D.C. That day, the group played live at the Washington Monument in front of an audience of more than 1 million people, still the largest audience to ever assemble for a single live musical event.
Throughout his career, Mike has co-authored more than a dozen Top 10 Singles, making Beach Boys history along with The Beatles and Michael Jackson, as the only artists to have produced twelve Top 10 Singles, within 5 years time. Currently, as the lead singer and founding member of the Beach Boys, Mike continues doing what he loves most, performing the legendary music of The Beach Boys, in sold out concerts worldwide.
Mike is happily married and has 8 children, and spends the majority of his downtime at his homes in Southern California and Lake Tahoe. He is also the proud uncle of NBA all-star, Kevin Love and continues to enjoy touring and performing in many parts of the world! 

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