Tuesday, February 8, 2011

we're here!

Uneventful trip... Good Super Bowl Week-end w/ Jeff and Heather. Had fun checking out Heather's new (to her) house.  They'll have a great big yard and the neighbors are friendly and less colorful.  They have some work to do to get it just right but Jeff's house is just going on the market this morning (for the 3rd time) so they'll have plenty of time to renovate and decorate. She enjoys decorating as much as I do..It'll be great!! We travelled in the rain the most part of yesterday...Not a very welcoming start to our Florida respite but this morning is sunny, breezy and mid 60's.  Lee is off to Lowes already for clothespins and some paint for the bathroom.  More family begins arriving on the 12th...Jon and Lisa, then Joy, then Jeff...Kim and Vic may even venture down if she's feeling up to it.  I'm hoping the weather holds for some patio time to read my 3 books and then 3 more I've downloaded on my Kindle.  TV just quit, so already troubleshooting w/ the damn cable company... I love my own cable company.SCCC.......Oh well...Stay warm all of you in the northern states....This isn't all that great so don't be envious!

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