Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Old Dog... New Thinking ???

I like to think of myself as an intelligent woman who's open to change.....I'd like to.....but I often find, I can't!  I'm hugely open to change in technology... I love my computer, TV is as essential to me as breathing, I'm considering an iPhone, I love Skype and I'm not above asking the strange speaking woman who lives in my GPS how the hell to get someplace.  I accept the changes in fashion (even if my body is rebelling).  I accept them but pretty much remain a jeans and tee-shirt kind of Granny...I'll leave the short shorts, tight jeans and slinky boots to the little hotties with the emaciated torsos. Sadly, some with my body type prefer the new fashion but they either have no mirrors in their homes or just don't give a hoot.(which, btw, is OK too).  This is where I begin to digress back into my own, old style, world.  Going green is a wonderful preface.....  renewable energy, renewable building materials, renewable food sources.....I understand and accept these to the best of my ability.. which is limited. I know eating better will possibly keep this old body around a bit longer but as taste goes, it's disgusting.  I'm not a fan of soy, tofu, or anything else that contains limited amounts of salt and sugar.
Now to what really facilitated this morning's thoughts.  One of my very favorite TV shows is Brothers and Sisters which airs on Sunday nights.  It's funny, it's real and it's blatantly current. There are 2 gay relationships front and center on the show. One that's been developing as of late portrays a 60 something gent who's is a pseudo patriarch of the Walker family.  He's learned he's HIV positive and has just recently reconnected with the man who infected him ( and didn't feel the need to ever tell him).  Here's where it gets kind of creepy for me... His old love is flipping DR KILDARE!! What the hell....he was MY old love. I had heard that Richanrd Chamberlain had come out of the closet many years ago but I had never seen him in a role where he was openly expressing his lifestyle. A long, lingering mouth to mouth kiss on Sunday's show raised the hair on the back of my neck.... and everywhere else that a near 60 year old woman has hair...which is everywhere. PLEASE don't get me wrong... I have many gay friends whom I love, respect and appreciate but this one display of affection by my childhood TV crush was a change I was neither ready for nor accepted well.  As I alluded to, it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. I've learned to sit, stay and fetch but rolling over and accepting some changes may take a little more adjusting....I'm nearly ready for graduation though!

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