Monday, February 21, 2011


Friendship...some friendships last forever... some last a short time and some never get off the ground.  Most everyone has school friendships from high school and/or college.  Few are fortunate enough to keep those relationships in tact.  We marry, move, lose touch and change interests. Friendships are much like marriages.  Most of them need a little work, a little TLC, a little communication and a lot of want.   I hope I can say that I have many friends but I am blessed to say I have a "few great friends."  Great ones are few and far matter how much you'd like to think otherwise.  Now, with the wonders of technology, old friends can become new again.  I've many times professed my pleasure w/ Facebook and the ability it has given us to reconnect w/ friends and family.  But, as is professed by Newton, for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. Due , in small quantities to the airing of TMI  and every dramatic thought, and also a dwindling of much in common combined with a dose of changing values, not all "great friendships" stand the strain of time.  I can probably count on one hand the true, lasting friendships I have.  The ones where you can sit down with someone you haven't seen in awhile and pick up right where you left off.  My very best pals always make me smile and laugh...out loud. They are intelligent, they know when to let loose and when to shut up. They know what you want to hear and what you  need to hear. They say that friends are the family you choose....truer words were seldom said.  I have a great family  (well most of them) and no matter what differing views we may have, we're always there for each other (at least my  Hatfield family). But my friends....ahhhh.. they make my world go round....

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